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I enjoyed Susan Graver's preseentations during Covid as she was limited to how much she could talk! I used to mute the TV when she was on because she talks non stop..over the hosts, Guess I am back to muting her because she cannot be quiet and let the hosts do their jobs. Sorry, but she is irritating the way she talks over the hosts,

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Noticed she brought a stuffed "Pebbles" to her show last night, is she trying to compete with the squirrels? Click

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The thing that gets me is that she constantly says, "Women are telling me..."  Well, women are telling you to talk less and quit interrupting and talking over the hosts.

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@nycalady wrote:

Noticed she brought a stuffed "Pebbles" to her show last night, is she trying to compete with the squirrels? Click

I saw part of that show. I thought it was a little inappropriate after what recently happened. She could have waited a few weeks. Susan had to have heard about the good and the bad about the squirrels.



(Personally I have no problem with either one.)




It was just too soon!

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I don't mind Susan's presentations, and I like a lot of her fashions.  But one item struck me today--a nylon camisole which with tax and shipping runs over $50.  Honestly, I would be embarrassed t get up on national TV and try to sell a $50 nylon camisole.  Seems to be selling out, but what a price people are willing to pay, huh?

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@musskatj wrote:

I enjoyed Susan Graver's preseentations during Covid as she was limited to how much she could talk! I used to mute the TV when she was on because she talks non stop..over the hosts, Guess I am back to muting her because she cannot be quiet and let the hosts do their jobs. Sorry, but she is irritating the way she talks over the hosts,

I found during the Covid AND in the studio the hosts often talk over her also..........expecially JC and SB.  So they end up drowning out eachother....

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@Another new name Sue wrote:

I don't mind Susan's presentations, and I like a lot of her fashions.  But one item struck me today--a nylon camisole which with tax and shipping runs over $50.  Honestly, I would be embarrassed t get up on national TV and try to sell a $50 nylon camisole.  Seems to be selling out, but what a price people are willing to pay, huh?

I'm showing my age now, but do you remember Fashion Bug stores?  I used to love them. Anyway....I still have nylon camis from there with lace on top and bottom. They were $11 each and are still perfect (from 2012).  So, yes, I was shocked at the cost of one of these camis.  Prices keep going up and up.  I have many Susan Graver items but usually buy on clearance if still available in my size.

"Some people look for a beautiful place. Others make a place beautiful."
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@Kallena I shopped at Fashion Bug too. I could always find something cute at a good price. Graver's top are usually around $50. That's too steep for me.I shop Kohl's, Macy's and JCP. Returns are easier too.
Posts: 20
Registered: ‎10-08-2021

I don't really care for Susan Graver or her fashions. Everything is way over priced and the patterns are usually too busy for my taste. She does do the annoying talk over which drives me crazy. I wish Fashion Bug was still around. 

Posts: 35
Registered: ‎03-10-2011

I speak for myself when I say I am so tired of almost every one of her tops is liquid knit.  There have been a few items that I woud have purchased if they had been made of better materials. I purchased one item years ago made of liquid and never bought another. She keeps saying she will be bringing in other fabrics, but they never seem to come. Just my opinion.