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Suggestion for QVC leadership

Instead of sending the "something you loved is back in stock", which is ALWAYS out of stock once I click on the email only a few hours after it was sent, and 99% of the time I've already ordered the item weeks ago, how about emailing me when something on my wish list drops in price. 


IMO, that would be a much better subject to email me about and I would be tempted to purchase - INCREASING YOUR SALES - , since being on my wish list clearly indicates that it's something that I am interested in buying. 

......You look like I need a drink.....
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Suggestion for QVC leadership

@CAcableGirl2 wrote:

Instead of sending the "something you loved is back in stock", which is ALWAYS out of stock once I click on the email only a few hours after it was sent, and 99% of the time I've already ordered the item weeks ago, how about emailing me when something on my wish list drops in price. 


IMO, that would be a much better subject to email me about and I would be tempted to purchase - INCREASING YOUR SALES - , since being on my wish list clearly indicates that it's something that I am interested in buying. 

@CAcableGirl2 That is an excellent suggestion.  I want to know when there is a drop in price not something that I already ordered or something that is still sold out.  Even ShopHq sends out price drop notices.  Hopefully the higher ups here will take the suggestion and make it happen.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Suggestion for QVC leadership

What gets me about all these prompting emails from any company is there is a reason I didn't order the item in the first place.  Usually it is because my size is gone. Letting me know there is still stock left is just aggravating if you haven't replenished inventory in my size.  

Posts: 46
Registered: ‎06-10-2015

Re: Suggestion for QVC leadership

[ Edited ]

I have been trying for a long time to stop receiving the "Oops is this yours?" emails that show up less than two hours after I click an item. I have modified my email preferences so that I don't get Alerts and to only receive TSV emails and that does not solve the problem. Please find a way that we can opt out of those annoying "Oops" emails and still get the TSV emails.


I look at fewer items online now because I can't stand to have those emails clutter my Inbox. The pops us are equally annoying!


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Registered: ‎10-03-2014

Re: Suggestion for QVC leadership

I do get emails from a few other retailers notifying me of lowered prices.  Ebay does it, too.  


Great suggestion.  

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Posts: 14,297
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Suggestion for QVC leadership

@CAcableGirl2 - What a great idea! I hope TPTB listen!  Smiley Happy