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Re: Silly pajama patterns...

I don't mind a little fun when it comes to designs on sleepwear.  When my mom was in assisted living, then a nursing home, those knee length sleep shirts from Walmart were perfect for her.  


The designs were a topic of conversation.  I remember one  that had tiny sheep on it, implying it was bedtime and the wearer would become sleepy.  I own the one with flip flops on it.  These designs are whimsical and remind me not to take all things seriously.

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Re: Silly pajama patterns...

@trump2024 wrote:

Many pajamas, nightgowns and home dresses have such silly and goofy patterns on them. Please....give us a nice clean looking garment without those patterns.  I don't know what those patterns are suppose to do but make you look silly.  I prefer classic clean look for mom. I have a very hard time getting nightwear for my mom. She doesn't want to look childish with patterns.

Checkout Vermont Country Store.

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Re: Silly pajama patterns...

I love cheerful, whimsical prints on pajamas and sleepwear!  No one sees them but me and my husband and he thinks they are cute!  They are pretty, conservative, se*y, etc items of sleepwear out there, also.  I look forward to shedding my work clothes every day and putting on my big assortment of colorful and patterned sleep and lounge wear.  They make me happy!!!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Silly pajama patterns...

My daughters and I love goofy pj's!  We give them as gifts to each other every Christmas! Boring pjs not allowed!  There is a cataglog we get, I think it is Pajamagram or something like that. Love the unusual and fun prints.

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Re: Silly pajama patterns...

Carole Hochman has pretty ones that don't have whimsical designs. Sometimes I can't resist the silly patterns - like pj's with cherries on them for our cherry picking trip up north.

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Re: Silly pajama patterns...

I’m a yes vote for fun, whimsical, even silly, pj prints. I’m a huge animal lover, especially cats, so, of course, I have some kitty pj’s.  


I love to have fun, relax and not take myself so seriously, all the time! 

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Re: Silly pajama patterns...

Try Sears or Penney's.  Classic styles and far inexpensive than the Q.  Also, the Vermont Country Store also has a good selection of pjs.

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Re: Silly pajama patterns...

@Zhills wrote:

I think they do that so you won't be as tempted to wear them 'out' in public.



Doesn’t stop some people! 😳

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Re: Silly pajama patterns...

Believe it or not, Victoria Secrets has classic pjs.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
