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Just watched one hour presentation of Roar!!  Enough already!!

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Most of the TSV presentations are getting longer and longer and I just can't watch them that's nauseating already!

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I think DH just ordered it from Q, he loves the variety packs.

Lynn-Critter Lover!
(especially cats!)
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I bought this product at my local supermarket months ago.  It tasted ok but wasn't something I would continue buying.

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Why on earth would anyone watch a full hour presentation of something they are not interested in?


TSV's are always given long presentations.


Roar is a great product.  We love it and buy it locally after it was introduced to us on Q.  I wish this young man lots of success!

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I can get it less expensive at our local grocery store on sale and I do.   The mango and lemonade flavors are my favorite.

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David was on with the tsv forever last night.  I read one time that they stay on a product as long as needed when it is selling well.  If orders are not coming in they quickly move to the next item.  Makes sense. When David was presenting Roar last night flavors were selling out; last I heard 27,000 sets sold!  Roar has a lot of followers!  I do like it but can buy it in my loval supermarket for the same price as the tsv and I don't have to buy  so much at one time. 

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@TuckerMom Hmmm??? Why does a person sit for an entire hour watching something they don't enjoy then complain about it. There are so many other channels to watch, books to read, roads to take a walk on, etc. I just don't find myself forced to watch any show I don't like. I don't get it. 


Side note as stated here: TSV's have MANY appearances at length. If one does not interest me I usually don't watch much QVC that day.

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Registered: ‎12-02-2016

It's NOT about the product which can be great, but how long the presenation is and repeating the same information over and over and over!!

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It is more about why anyone would bother to watch it when it is of no interest.


QVC needs to sell...and as the previous poster stated.....they adjust program per sales.


If they are selling a TSV I would like....and know little electronics....I appreciate the long presentations.


Otherwise, I don't even put it on once I see what it is.