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Please fix the sound volume and quality over the air.  It fades in and out or in some cases the host's voice is way too loud.  It's been going on for over a week. 

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I suggest you repost and include whether it’s a TV you are referring to or the Internet. It would also be helpful to include your service provider and city. 

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no sound issues for me on my computer or via comcast xfinity on my televisions.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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The only sound issues I have were with the fact that the host covered her mic with her jacket; therefore, you couldn't hear what she was saying.

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I have no audio issues on my TV.

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The only audio issues I have are with Sandra. When she's with a vendor she speaks as if she's having a private conversation with them.  

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@tv today on beauty qvc channel.  host and contributor words are jumbled and cannot be understood.  internet is Cox communications in connecticut.

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@Mindy D - There was a previous post on this matter.  I am referring to TV and my provider is Direct TV.  I was curious yesterday and tuned in QVC2 and audio was much louder and no fading of voices compared to when I switched to QVC main channel.  I have noticed that some channels are louder than others but they are not affiliated with each other or broadcast from the same studio like QVC & QVC2.

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Registered: ‎11-09-2011

I wish the models would have mics on if the hosts are going to talk to them.  Sometimes the hosts asks a question directed at the models and all you hear is their inaudible, muffled replies.  Either don't ask the models anything or just mic them so we can hear their responses.