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Registered: ‎04-29-2023

Hang the clothes on a horizontal bar where the clothes are hung during the presentation so you can see all of the colors at one time. They can overlap a little but we want to see them all at once.  Now when the host shows the colors and hangs them back up, you can only see the one in the front.  The others are hidden behind so we forget what's available.  

Valued Contributor
Posts: 707
Registered: ‎04-13-2016

Good idea especially if your trying to decide between more than one color & need to keep looking to help you decide. 

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Thats what they usually do unless there are too many items for the space.  Then they have no choice but to jam them very close together.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@JuJu57 wrote:

Hang the clothes on a horizontal bar where the clothes are hung during the presentation so you can see all of the colors at one time. They can overlap a little but we want to see them all at once.  Now when the host shows the colors and hangs them back up, you can only see the one in the front.  The others are hidden behind so we forget what's available.  


@JuJu57  Great call.  Seeing the colors at the same time would also be helpful if you check into the presentation late and miss the color run through. Speaking for myself, I don't always sit around my home with a phone or computer device by my side to look up QVC merchandise. If I click into the channel and see something interesting on air I should be able to see the colors while they as they chatter on.  Just seeing color names scrolling on the availability guide doesn't always clarify things because as we know sometimes they make up color names, or their idea of a hue isn't the same as mine. 

Even if it's a brand like D&C that has consistent color names, if you can't see the garments, that doesn't help. 

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Posts: 216
Registered: ‎06-15-2015

And have all the colors there to show....I do not like seeing a screen shot from for the rest of the colors.  Colors can appear differently on the website than what they actually are.  They should have all the available colors there for the hosts to show.

Posts: 68
Registered: ‎04-12-2010

I am always interested in the color array.  When hosts first come on with a product I would like to see all the colors, instead of chit=chatting about this or that.