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Please Invent A Fan for My Face!

OK, I sweat!  I am human!  It's hot in the summer and I sweat.  I wear makeup.  I don't care what it is, it disappears when I sweat in the summer!


Here's my suggestion to the QVC inventors.  Invent a little fan I can hang from my head (blowing on my face, battery operated) or something I can wear around my neck that will blow on my face.


I put stuff (all QVC something or other) I've got it all, Mally, Laura Geller, IT  (all of the ladies), I buy it and I use it.


I go out of my air conditioned house looking mighty fine (if I do say so), but  5 minutes outside and (I honestly don't know where it disappears to) but suddenly I look like I've never put on a lick of makeup.  Where does it all go?


So, I've decided someone needs to invent a fan that will blow (like the models all have) on my face to keep my makeup looking like those beautiful models.


I use the primers, the eyeliner, the mascara, the lips stuff, you name it.  If someone can tell me where it goes, I'll go looking for it.....

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Posts: 8,106
Registered: ‎03-17-2010

Re: Please Invent A Fan for My Face!

You won't believe this, but a friend of my Mom's, back in the 70's had a little fan with a neck strap that she wore ALL the time!!  She bought it from one of those little cheap catalogs that came to the house all the time and had a woman's name as the name of the company.....


After my Mom and all her friends saw this lady with her "neck fan" they ALL bought one.....  I thought at the time it was hilarious.... but they were happy and that's all that mattered... Woman LOL


You may want to look around on lilne because I'm sure it's got to still be around.... 

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Please Invent A Fan for My Face!

I have one from Travelon that I love and always have in my purse. You can find it on amazon for about $15 

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Re: Please Invent A Fan for My Face!

I have a small one that I bought at Lowe's with a little resevoir that you can add water to that provides a tiny mist in addition to the fan action.  May not be the best if you are wearing makeup but sure is nice for some summer situations.  

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Re: Please Invent A Fan for My Face!

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

OK, I sweat!  I am human!  It's hot in the summer and I sweat.  I wear makeup.  I don't care what it is, it disappears when I sweat in the summer!


Here's my suggestion to the QVC inventors.  Invent a little fan I can hang from my head (blowing on my face, battery operated) or something I can wear around my neck that will blow on my face.


I put stuff (all QVC something or other) I've got it all, Mally, Laura Geller, IT  (all of the ladies), I buy it and I use it.


I go out of my air conditioned house looking mighty fine (if I do say so), but  5 minutes outside and (I honestly don't know where it disappears to) but suddenly I look like I've never put on a lick of makeup.  Where does it all go?


So, I've decided someone needs to invent a fan that will blow (like the models all have) on my face to keep my makeup looking like those beautiful models.


I use the primers, the eyeliner, the mascara, the lips stuff, you name it.  If someone can tell me where it goes, I'll go looking for it.....

I feel your pain and I use Murad Oil Control Mattifier as a primer and it has made all the difference in the world.  

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Re: Please Invent A Fan for My Face!

@Annabellethecat66, this already exists.  I just saw it today - it's a fan you hang from a cord around your neck and it blows up to your face.  Available at Target.

-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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Re: Please Invent A Fan for My Face!

I agree with the poster who recomended Travelon on Amazon for $15.00.  I bought the same one's for $15 on Ebay a few years back.  I would not be without it!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Please Invent A Fan for My Face!


I retired June 10th and haven't put makeup on since.  I never wore much anyway.  I have a parttime job and am always hot there.  I bought one of those cool neck wraps....I soak it in water, put it in a little plastic tub with ice and a little water and take it with  me.  For extra cold, I put it in the frig for an hour before work.  When I get hot, I wring it out, snap it and put it around my neck.  It does wonders for me!!!  Fyi, it came at 40" long so I cut it in half.   

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Please Invent A Fan for My Face!

Many places have them. 

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Posts: 495
Registered: ‎09-12-2015

Re: Please Invent A Fan for My Face!

Walmart, under $2.00, batteries included.