@wi-md wrote:
Why have you stopped including packing slips and return labels - is it to prevent returns when someone can't print out a label themeslves? Not everyone has a printer. These sticker-packing slips under the mailing labels are off center and half of the info is torn off - IF you can remove it at all.
None of which I am experiencing lately. Surely QVC can afford to print & include the packing slip and return label in the package for our "CONVENIENCE." If you are going to sell stuff that doesn't match the presentation or meet expectations - then please provide these pre-printed return labels and normal legible packing slips like you used to do. That would be good CUSTOMER SERVICE if you can't provide the QUALITY.
Welcome .... 
I'm guessing you might not realize you're about the 57th person this year to complain about this issue. Since you obviously have use of a computer, just print a label and tape it to the packaging you're returning the item in.
As for an explanation for the change .... since QVC averages probably a 10% return rate (my speculation here) that means that 90% of all the return labels that go out with orders end up in the trash and all those trees that were killed to make labels died for no good reason.
A LOT of retailers have stopped sending out packing slips and return labels ... probably because many "green" people are complaining about all the trees being killed for no good reason.
Anyway, welcome ... get on the Green Bandwagon and I hope you enjoy the Forums!