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Why have a host on at 12:00 noon, talking about someone wearing this top and taking a private jet out to dinner.  Is she (the host) in touch with whom she is seeling too.  Most are young moms staying home with their children, women working from home (I guess earning that private jet), or retirees.  This host is cute, fashionable, and happy.  However, she is so immature & not realalistic in her sales pitch.  Just a suggestion that all hosts be mindful of their audieance. 

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@teachergal wrote:

Why have a host on at 12:00 noon, talking about someone wearing this top and taking a private jet out to dinner.  Is she (the host) in touch with whom she is seeling too.  Most are young moms staying home with their children, women working from home (I guess earning that private jet), or retirees.  This host is cute, fashionable, and happy.  However, she is so immature & not realalistic in her sales pitch.  Just a suggestion that all hosts be mindful of their audieance. 

She is probably just painting an unrealistic picture, what the audience would like to be doing wearing that outfit.  Totally ridiculous.  I would not want a private jet even if I could afford one.  I get tired of the old, "Lunch with your girlfriends, running around town doing errands", blah, blah, blah, blah.  They have to keep talking, so stuff just comes out.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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@Puppy Lips



Sometimes I think they are "paid by the word" .... and double when they repeat themselves.


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I guess you didn't realize it, but some in this audience are taking our private jets out to dinner. Not me. But I do know QVC shoppers who own their own aircraft.


And spinning stories and scenarios like this are typical when selling Issac-wear, regardless of who's hosting.


I'm positive both the host and the vendor are well aware of the shopper demographics.

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Have they mentioned they're taking their private jet to attend the royal wedding in that top?

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It's no different than a host carrying on about The Hamptons or Madison Avenue. If it makes customers feel better about themselves wearing an item I have no problem with that. Some don't want to look like they're going pumpkin picking.

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And we all have summer homes. I wish! (Know some do) but it's another line they use.

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@ALRATIBA wrote:


Sometimes I think they are "paid by the word" .... and double when they repeat themselves.



. . . well, THAT would explain some things!  LOL

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I think the whole "aspirational" selling tactic is very out of touch in light of the ever dwindling middle class and the average shopper in this venue and and elsewhere. 

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Re: Over the top Hosts

[ Edited ]

Don't get me started.


ETA: Is the one I'm thinking of so tiny when she was born that she slept in a match box for the first few month of her life? Who casts her eyes up to heaven, and has suddenly balooned up to about a size 14 or so, perhaps pleading with the Almight to help her get back down to her June Cleaver size?