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Re: Open Letter to QVC Administration



Hit the nail on the head....HR protects the COMPANY'S interest first.


Main Objective?  Protect from lawsuits.


Make sure there is documented justification ( comparative sales metrics, meeting corporate goals-expressed in cold hard dollar figures if you're in sales, understanding all aspects of what the EMPLOYEE can do if they are treated outside the employment laws, and working to avoid bad outcomes.


And the first order of HR in large corporations like Qurate??? Document, document, document.


So when they become the DEFENDANT in a lawsuit, they're covered.


Everything ...from what happens on the hiring end of the job,  to the severing, to the giving out of "references" post employment ( doesn't happen today....the MOST most places do is affirm or deny if someone worked there....they give NO narrative, good or bad, to avoid lawsuits).


Non-compete agreements, non-defamation clauses, non-disclosure agreements....all signed on the line that is dotted. ...before that person walks out the door. 


Think about one wants to be the HR Manager who recommends keeping a poor performer on the payroll....they have bosses to answer to also.!!!


Corporations understand the influence of social media today. The same people who look here and on all the sites to "see what Caroline and Dan" are saying about QVC, and hoping they will get "the truth"....think about this:


C+D MAY want to pursue careers post-QVC... as vendor reps, sale people, infomerical work, news, or any other public facing employments or sales. ( or maybe they just want to retire!!!!)


Their NEW employer does NOT want a whiner, someone who bashes their former employer, or speaks badly about thier former managers.....because...they don't want to put up with trying to FIRE someone who comes on board in the NEW workplace and is a complainer or percieved troublemaker or a problem employee.


Companies know how to mine social media sites....and they do it for NEW employees as well as CURRENT employees....something some people fail to understand when they bash their bosses or thier company online, and then wonder why they don't get that promotion when it's offered...they blame the "mean boss"....Sheeesh!!!!


C+D will be fine.We'll see them again I bet, as vendor reps possibly, just like the names mentioned in this comment section already ( Hosts that left that came back as vendor reps for different companies...)


Another reason why you won't see them telling "the truth" about why they were let go!!


( and "the truth" is probably very simple.....they were offered a package and took it!!!)

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Re: Open Letter to QVC Administration

I work at a Fortune 500 company right now, and I have heard over the years many people say if they offered me a "Package" I would be gone in a heartbeat!


There are many people who are close to retirement age, that benefit from a good "Package".. So often they feel like why wait around for the next round of lay offs and maybe not so good of a package, so they take it and that's the end of it...I bet that is what happened with Carolyn and Dan both. Dan was very close to retirement age and seemed to only work part time anyways, so he was probably more than happy to accept a package....


Just my own thoughts and opinions!

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Re: Open Letter to QVC Administration


I work at a Fortune 500 company right now, and I have heard over the years many people say if they offered me a "Package" I would be gone in a heartbeat!


There are many people who are close to retirement age, that benefit from a good "Package".. So often they feel like why wait around for the next round of lay offs and maybe not so good of a package, so they take it and that's the end of it...I bet that is what happened with Carolyn and Dan both. Dan was very close to retirement age and seemed to only work part time anyways, so he was probably more than happy to accept a package....


Just my own thoughts and opinions!


I retired from a Fortune 500 company. They would let themselves fail before giving a severence package. They've also stopped allowing employees (long term and short term) be in the pension plans. Long term employees lost 50% when that was done. They also cut every benefit to the bone and eliminated many altogether. 


I spent 15 years working with a LOT of other huge corporations, many Fortune 500, and they all were doing the same.



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Re: Open Letter to QVC Administration

My Fortune 500 employer was exceptionally generous with my recent layoff and I am neither a CEO nor a high ranking executive. 


Every laid off employee received the same treatment, the amount dependent under years served:


2 weeks salary for each year, capped at 52 weeks, benefits at group rates continuing for thr same period.  I collect a salary for an entire year based upon my years of service.



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Re: Open Letter to QVC Administration

@They Call Me MR Wilkes 




I think C+D should have turned a package down, and kept on selling Valerie Parr Hilll tschotkes and hokey Temptations crack-pottery and burgers from "special magic cows"  until the NEXT layoff....when silly  packages and incentives may not be offered....just a point to the door.....


Why take a bird in the hand ....when you can gamble on what's in the bush? 


(Sarcasm folks!!!! Weekend incoming....1000 more posts on C+D being "fired" !!!)


Retail sales are dropping fast according to today's numbers, dropping TWICE as much as predicted for April, ...not a good sign for ole QVC.......


I have a feeling C+D will be GLAD to took that package when the new numbers for Qurate hit on May 5, 2023....


I worked in a large Corporation and would have JUMPED on a package to get out ( it was similar to Exec Mr Wilkes numbers..a common offering in larger corporations) but I was never in the age or years of service range to qualify when they were offered. And I was there for 34 years....but packages were done by the time I retired. I didn't dislike my job, but it WAS a job, not my family or where I wanted to die.


And I can tell you...people BEGGED to be considered for a package. 



C+D made out quite well, and I, to the extent that I even THINK about QVC hosts lives, am happy for them too!!!


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Re: Open Letter to QVC Administration

I used the feedback button twice about Carolyn and Dan and iot worked both times.  I got a reply to each letter and it did not seem to be a "canned response".

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Re: Open Letter to QVC Administration

[ Edited ]

To the OP, I respect your well written op ed on this lay off situation. I wrote a response to a thread or two back when it happened, so I won't go into all that again. I will say, personally I am suspicious about age, and the last round of lay offs before this occurred where three months later they turned around and Katrina, Vanessa and others were hired. Don't tell me it was their paycheck causing the company to lose money...Same deal...they went younger then too.  

Corporate needs to understand unless there is some huge millenial "influencer" that goes on the Q payroll, these younger people have no loyalty to companies, they are in general just "followers". I am surrounded by them in my office, and they are all in general very nice, smart younger people (this is coming from a 40+yo btw but old enough to know they did not grow up the way I did) but the second the new hot thing is promoted by an athlete or some TikTok person then it becomes a "trend".  I put that in quotes because we know all those "viral celebrities" are paid for their alleged "love" of a product. Why do you think the Q is trying to make LiveStreams a cool thing at the Company? 


The Q is not a family, and we are not the Q's family. And most of corporate America is that way. You are a number and are always replaceable regardless if you are the employee or the customer. There is no loyalty.  Do not believe the smoke and mirrors they try to use on you. 

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Re: Open Letter to QVC Administration

The post above is, not surprisingly,  factually incorrect.


Katrina began at QVC in 2018.


The large host layoff was July 2020:  Antonella, Kristine Zell, Gabrielle and Stacey Stauffer. 

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Re: Open Letter to QVC Administration

that was very nice of you to assist her.  gotta be honest.  i kinda lost interest.