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Re: Open Letter to QVC Administration

@Othereeeen wrote:

OMG...for crying out loud....













They are NOT coming back.


You folks DO realize that even IF they wanted to return ( which they in all likelihood DO NOT)...they'd have to RETURN that severance, limp back, and wait for the NEXT round of layoffs, which are in all likelihood coming, at which time NO severance may be offered?


I would bet they ASKED to be considered IF any severance was going to be offered. MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY people in Corporate America do just that. MANY  MANY MANY of them.


I'm beginning to think that people who post these long "Poor C+D" comments have NO IDEA what severance is, what corporations do when they lay off ( MOST just show employees the door....they get NOTHING on the way out....)


C+D appeared for a few hours at most ON CAMERA.


The rest of thier time...meetings, drubbings about increasing sales, product familiarity, sales coaching, crazy schedules, endless HR nonsense about "teams" and "Working with other hosts" (some of whom C+D may have disliked as much as many commenters here do....and we could just turn them OFF....they'd have to WORK with them.)


Then there's the commute, the traffic, the crazy schedules, the makeup, hair, wardrobe, and or two hours on camera, at least, of selling selling selling stuff, a lot of which must have bored them to tears ( like it bores US, and we can turn it OFF).


C+D will be fine.


But they are NOT going to "come back"...they'd be OUT OF THEIR MINDS. 


They took the money. They added it to thier retirement. They are NOT coming back.


If YOU live in the eastern part of the USA today ( 4-11)....70's, gorgeous week, look outside, think of how wonderful it would be for them NOT to have to do the many things I mentioned above. They are retired. I hope they are fully enjoying this weather and the coming spring and summer.


Why on EARTH should they "come back"?


They were laid off.


The qualifier "lay off" in important, because it enabled them to avail themselves to post-employment benefits not available to those who are "fired"...such as unemployment, health benefits, placement assistance, education if wanted, etc.


They will be fine. But they will NOT be back.


The brutal reality? They were forgotten at QVC as soon as the seats in thier dressing rooms cooled off, and thier names removed from the door, and thier parking spots re-assigned.


That's how it works.


The ones who are left are picking up the slack, and it's obvious how bad it is at Q by the frantic, frenetic, hysterical's BAAAAAADDDDD.





@Othereeeen Very well Said.  I can not believe the number of posts regarding this issue.  Its time for these posters to move on.  

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Re: Open Letter to QVC Administration

[ Edited ]

@Spurt, extraordinarily well said as usual. I agree with your post (#4 in this thread) in its entirety...every, single word. And the word you mentioned that hits home the most is narcissist...and that particular personality type is on QVC far too often telling us far too much about her oh so fabulous life and loves. It boggles my mind and continues to turn me off more and more to this shopping experience...which equates to NO PURCHASES!    

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Re: Open Letter to QVC Administration

There will always be host that some prefer and others will not. There will always be host that some dislike and others will like. And heaven knows there are host that many feel need behavior modification! 

No matter which host are released from their contract there will be viewers shocked and upset and certain it was the wrong decision. 


But the bottom line is that, as with all things in life, you can't please everyone.


To my knowledge no one on this board was privy to QVC's decision making process. I have no doubt the decision was not made on a whim and was not personal. It was business. If people want to continue taking it personally then that's on them. It won't change the outcome. 

Perhaps I'm baffled easily, but I do find the devout attention to host baffling. One thing I do know and understand is that humans have an ability to adapt to circumstances. In my opinion I think it's time some people give it a try.

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Re: Open Letter to QVC Administration


i will feel about something anyhow i darn well please


i will feel about something as long as i dang well please

i will continue to post about something as long as i dang well please




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Re: Open Letter to QVC Administration

Yeah, they're not coming back.  Corporate decisions are not made by a small percentage of customers or even stockholders.  They are made according to profits.  

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Re: Open Letter to QVC Administration

Hosts and vendors continue to say " we are family", but it seems as if the "family" is quarreling and no one is listening.  The company wants new, younger, repeat customers and existing, long term customers no longer feel valued. The "family" is broken and a divorce is iminent.

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Re: Open Letter to QVC Administration

@pupwhipped wrote:

@Spurt, extraordinarily well said as usual. I agree with your post (#4 in this thread) in its entirety...every, single word. And the word you mentioned that hits home the most is narcissist...and that particular personality type is on QVC far too often telling us far too much about her oh so fabulous life and loves. It boggles my mind and continues to turn me off more and more to this shopping experience...which equates to NO PURCHASES!    




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Re: Open Letter to QVC Administration

@nascarfan wrote:

Hosts and vendors continue to say " we are family", but it seems as if the "family" is quarreling and no one is listening.  The company wants new, younger, repeat customers and existing, long term customers no longer feel valued. The "family" is broken and a divorce is iminent.

QVC will remain family even if we do not agree with the current CEOs strategy. If this CEO can step aside it would open the door for Carolyn and Dan to return.

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Re: Open Letter to QVC Administration

@depglass wrote:

I just want to say that this is the most well thought out and reasonable post on this situation and QVC itself.  I also have been somewhat shaken in my belief that QVC is an upstanding company deserving of our support.

Very true @depglass and I hope the OP feels better having written it. However no amount of public out cry will bring the hosts back. It was a corporate decision.

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Re: Open Letter to QVC Administration

@radc wrote:

I have been a customer since the beginning. I was a young bride when QVC first came into my home and I grew up with QVC. I have seen many hosts come and go.  I have never reached out in this way about the decision to let hosts go. But, I am so troubled about the "layoff" of Carolyn and Dan that I am compelled to share my thoughts.


You should recognize the power of the personal connection customers have with Carolyn and Dan (I do not believe that their sales have slipped). They are part of the core group of veterans who made QVC successful and they have adapted well to changing times. They have the talent required to sell w/o the "hard sell". Customers know them, care about them, and miss them. As a mental health professional, I can say that this decision can devastate people and it is considered a trauma (especially for older people who have had long-term commitments to a company). In hurting Carolyn and Dan in this way, you have hurt thousands of loyal customers, who also had a hand in QVC's success. I will not speculate here as to why you chose to lay off these two particular individuals, but this decision has thousands of people talking. I will not say that it has moved me to never shop again. But, it has caused me to see QVC through an entirely different lens. After all these years, I will now buy only if I can't find it elsewhere and/or if I can't find it cheaper (this was never my philosophy before as I used to enjoy tuning in whenever possible to learn about products in real time). It seems QVC is not the company I thought it was (this would have been understandable with hosts who are not selling/not working out) and this really bothers me (it's always disappointing to learn that someone/something you supported was not what you thought it was).  While I know that my new buying patterns are insignificant, I am hoping that the feelings of thousands of people will mean something to you.      

Carolyn is QVC. She is a rare talent and is unique in her (successful) efforts to build lasting/meaningful relationships with coworkers, vendors, and us (through her gardening shows, D&C, and pet shows - all of which have her unique/personal imprint). Dan is a trusted friend and captures the male customer very well. He is steady, knowledgeable, relatable, and kind. There is no one like him. They both make the holidays fun on QVC. They make shopping fun. They make aging fun for those of us who have been with them all along - they speak well to that customer (remember us?). They are our friends...which is exactly what you wanted them to be.


As this has been described as a "lay-off" situation, please consider bringing them back. QVC is not the same without them, and for many of us, this action represents a callousness and a lack of regard for their dedication and hard work, and most importantly, for them as individuals.


Thank you for allowing me to express my thoughts. As they have been respectfully stated, I hope you will not delete this message and will be open to hearing the thoughts of others who share these same thoughts (those who do not should feel free to post elsewhere).     

I believe you are unnaturally attached to these 2 TV sales people.

They are not your "friends." That is an old sales ploy saying " you're part of the QVC family." Tamron Hall calls her viewers the " Tan Fam." It's a way of connecting to the viewers. If you haven't heard quite a few of huge businesses have laid off thousands of people this year from Silicon Valley, Disney and apparently McDonalds is preparing for huge layoffs. 

Dan and Carolyn aren't returning. Neither are the other hundreds of employees they laid off.