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Online Shopping vs. Brick and Mortar

A friend who owns a relatively small commercial building told me she is only planning to rent to businesses that offer services.  After many years, she has decided retail is too difficult.  She had tenants with: gift shops, clothing stores,

small shoe stores, lighting stores, specialty (architecture) book store.  She said

tenants struggled and would stay for no more than five years.  Her building has been in her family for many decades, and it is in a great area of Berkeley.


It made me really think:  how much shopping do I do in stores anymore? 

Very little.  I buy almost everything online.  I think it all started when I would

go to stores for very specific things, and they were either sold out, or didn't have

enough on hand of what I wanted.  My husband's Jockey underwear comes to mind!  I now just go to the Jockey website.  The same with my makeup, shoes,

clothing, you name it.  I do buy shoes from time to time at a few specialty shoe stores.  But even there I have "showroomed" a purchase.  After trying on, I go online and find the same thing in many other colors.


How about you? 

Sometimes I lament the demise of stores, and then I realize I am part of the problem. 



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Re: Online Shopping vs. Brick and Mortar

I started tv shopping for clothing when my knees hurt too much to walk around the mall.  I also shopped from catalogs.  Now, I mostly shop online because it's just easier and often less expensive.

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Re: Online Shopping vs. Brick and Mortar

I think shopping online in the U.S. Is different from shopping online in Canada because you can get free shipping and have a better selection of merchandise to pick from. Also many companies do not have an online shopping store  either. I like shopping at bricks and mortar stores and I don't have good luck buying shoes online as I have to try them on for fit. The U.S. Shopping channels don't ship to Canada either.

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Re: Online Shopping vs. Brick and Mortar

I began online shopping at Talbots because I did not have a branch nearby.  Just about anything I buy from them fits perfectly except shoes.  My sister was an avid QVC shopper and introduced me to online shopping here.  This was a little more trial and error   

with clothing because of their vanity sizing.


i still like to go into book stores and boutique stores, but haven't been to a mall store in a couple of years.  Of course I go to the Walmart for browsing also.

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Re: Online Shopping vs. Brick and Mortar

I am almost 100% online shopper....for years and years...I can't recall the last time I was in a brick and mortar store...other then Walmart where i grocery shop...


I have a bad back and bad hobbling from store to store is out of the question for me...not to mention how convenient it is to browse the stores while in my home....probably in my pajamas...

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Re: Online Shopping vs. Brick and Mortar

I prefer to shop in regular stores.  I enjoy the experience.  Always have.  I can't spend the time the way I used to because of health and other issues, but I still love shopping in malls and stores.  I order some things on line but it's just not the same to me.  It's not as satisfying.  I love the hunt!  I love going to the stores, searching out a good bargain.  I love people watching.  I really have fun seeing the pretty colors and fabrics.  And, of course --- it's instant gratification.  When I want something -- I want it right now!  I don't want to wait a week or 2!  


I feel very badly that so many stores and malls are going or gone and it seems to be the way of life any more for most people to shop on-line.  I believe on-line is very useful, don't get me wrong.  But I think in many ways it is doing us all a disservice.  


I am showing my age but "back in the day", going to the "mall" was a fun thing for a person to do or a family to do.  You would spend the day or several hours and everyone would get to look in the stores they liked and you would go and get lunch or whatever.  It was good clean fun!  And it was supporting your local economy.  I miss those days.  Just sayin'!!!!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Registered: ‎06-25-2012

Re: Online Shopping vs. Brick and Mortar

Oh I certainly do my share of on-line shopping now that we live in the boonies! But I always can't wait to hit the brick & mortar stores when we go to a big city! There's nothing like shopping in person and actually trying things on before buying! And jeans? I always have to try them on first. I love shopping! Woman Happy

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Online Shopping vs. Brick and Mortar

Online shopping is so much simpler and less time consuming.  With brick and mortar shoppping you have to get dressed to go out, drive to the different stores, encounter many rude people. try to find a sales person if help is neeed, often wait in line to pay as most stores have downsized  to only one or 2 checkout areas open, having to physically go from store to store to find what you want, spending more money than intended  on extra stuff as well as eating out since I'm now hungry from all the time it took........   whole day wasted!!  Online I can get what I want and need in less than an hour.

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Re: Online Shopping vs. Brick and Mortar

I shop mostly online because of poor service or no service in brick & mortar stores.  You can never find someone to help you.

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Posts: 9,726
Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Re: Online Shopping vs. Brick and Mortar

I shop online.  I would think it would be easier to have a store only online.  No overhead.  Easy to process.  You would need few empolyees.  Some stores will remain brick & mortor.  You need to make sure you clothing fit.  Other then clothes, I see no practical resons for have a store in a mall.