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Posts: 7
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: LINEA: Please, please, PLEASE Bring Back our Forum!

Re: LINEA: Please, please, PLEASE Bring Back our Forum!


Bring back our subforums. For many of us they were our home. Is QVC intending to deprive their clients of their place in this site? Is yours a policy of deprivation? Is this insensitivity or indifference to your clients? Please, reconsider your misguided decision.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 911
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: LINEA: Please, please, PLEASE Bring Back our Forum!

Linea Lovers help one another in very meaningful ways.  And it only takes minutes to clear up fit questions, or fabric content and fabric behavior, drape questions.  It's been nothing but helpful over the year!  Would greatly appreciate QVC making it EASY for us to find all Linea posts by creating a subforum for us.  My time is precious and hate to waste it hunting around in this community when a simple "Click Here for Linea" would do the trick.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 581
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: LINEA: Please, please, PLEASE Bring Back our Forum!

LINEA:  Please, please, PLEASE Bring Back our Forum!  


We really need our forum back!   So many of us depend on talking about our discussions of recent and future purchases of our favorite brand.  Please, please bring it back!!!!!!!!!!!!

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: LINEA: Please, please, PLEASE Bring Back our Forum!

It's like being put out of your  home after the new mortgage holder decides he wants the house back after you made all the upgrades.

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: LINEA: Please, please, PLEASE Bring Back our Forum!

[ Edited ]

There is very little I can add to the many comments that have already been made.  The simple fact is that the Linea subforum drives sales of Linea designs.  I recently made the statement in jest that "I spend money every time I read this forum!" But there's a big difference between wading through all of the entries in a large "fashion" forum and clicking on a saved bookmark to go directly to a Linea forum.  The former takes too long and who has time for that?  From the comments, not many of us.  Please do something nice for us and for QVC - bring back a dedicated Linea forum!

"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett
Posts: 55
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: LINEA: Please, please, PLEASE Bring Back our Forum!

I agree with all of the above posters regarding a need for the Linea sub-    forum.  Most of my buying decisions are made using this information and having to sort through all kinds on unrelated subjects just isn't an option. You are losing a great sales tool.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 13
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: LINEA: Please, please, PLEASE Bring Back our Forum!

Oh PLEASE... resinstate the Linea  ( and all the other sub-forums) in the community bulletin board!!!


We have really grown into a great group of women and can turn to one another to find help in fit or color or almost anything!


What  a shame that you cannot find it in your hearts to let us have our small but VERY IMPORTANT group!

Have a kind and generous heart.. it won't hurt anyone .. and you know, it might just HELP!


Many , Many thanks in advance!!




Nancy (smilesalot)

Super Contributor
Posts: 417
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: LINEA: Please, please, PLEASE Bring Back our Forum!

[ Edited ]

I HIGHLY suggest that there be a link on the Main Linea Page that takes you directly to the Linea Forum.  You wont have to have it on the Forum list to clutter things up, & it will make sure that customers see the items & when the next shows are before they go to the sub-forum.


Just saying it would be a win win for QVC & the Linea Ladies.

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Posts: 1,128
Registered: ‎05-22-2010

Re: LINEA: Please, please, PLEASE Bring Back our Forum!

Thanks so much to all for your thoughts and observations.  If there were a link from the QVC Linea product page directly to all the LINEA posts it would be a real boon!


I am far from being a tech expert but that seems to be a sensible stepto take.

Posts: 58
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: LINEA: Please, please, PLEASE Bring Back our Forum!

I would also appreciate having the Linea Forum back. I would always check in twice a day. It was a great source for info and purchasing advise, I miss it.