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@Regal Bee wrote:

@Foxxee wrote:

Others here have noticed that, too.  QVC didn't renew some contracts, others look like they were fired and QVC did lay off some in the past, too. 


Carolyn and Dan were laid off.  No secret QVC was keeping from us.  Also, they did not say they wanted to spend more time with family.  It appeared they were very surprised.  


To me, laid off is just a more acceptable term for "fired." The two did receive a severance package that I am sure did not equal the amount they would have been paid had they not been laid off.  They also lost money that would have been paid into SS and most likely some health benefits until they are eligible for Medicare. 


I can't see why this is wonderful for them. 


Being laid off is devastating. Often those who were laid off are thought they weren't doing their job as well as others when it could have been ageism and making too much money.  All of those reasons were discussed here as possibilities.  


I do believe Carolyn (64) and Dan who will be 62 this October 27th, are the oldest. If someone knows any other host older than Dan besides Carolyn, please post.  





@Foxxee  Mary Beth will be 64 on August 10th. Birthday:  August 10 1959. 



Jane T., Jayne B., Leah W., Rick D. are all over 60 this year.

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Qurate offers laid off employees benefits at the existing group rates for a period of time.


For Carolyn, at least, that could carry her up to Medicare.


Of course, they would be offered Cobra which would be much more expensive than group coverage.

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@TlS wrote:

They can't really call it laid off, when they hired a bunch of new people.  They were fired, and were some of the very best.  I think they fired Carolyn because she is overweight.  Either that or the squirel thing.  I am still so upset that they fired her, that I won't watch any more.

@TlS    Your theory gets blown out of the water when you look at Gary's new "assistant" or whatever she is.  I think they encouraged the squirrel thing as many viewers thought it was "cute" and loved them.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I understand what she is saying about them and it is amazing how it was done. In some companies they usually let the older employees retire with respect even though they are laying off employees. They do recognize them for their years of service. Dan had been there over 30 years and maybe he didn't desire to have a party. I just fine it odd that this company does it a way that they allow them to work and the next day here comes a post that they have left or laid off. It is like putting out the trash, big corporation are ran by people whose job is not respected by the masses. They wondered why after the pandemic not everyone was willing to return to work and it is because of what we see happening. I can assure you a lot them made their job easier because some didn't return as well. So just remember that out of the 400 people could you imagine how many of them saw the light at the end of the tunnel didn't go back at all.

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@Jewelrygal wrote:




First, your opinion is just as valid as anyone else's. It's important not to let anonymous posters (including me) get to you. We all get slammed at some point or another.


Second - and this isn't just for the OP - It boggles my mind that people are so naive about how big corporations work. Even if someone hasn't worked for one, all that has to be done is watch and listen to certain politicians.


I could give you hundreds of examples of state & federal laws that have been changed and trillion$ in annual welfare given to benefit big corporations, etc etc, but someone would complain.  Facts.Matter.



I worked for a huge international corporation for 40 years and was in a position "to know." I could tell you stories that would curl your hair.




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Re: Hosts Leaving

[ Edited ]



Don't worry OP!!!



I stopped and threw some coins into Dan's outstretched cup when I was on the PA Turnpike last week....he looked so forlorn with his "Will work for food" sign and his tattered MukLuk outfit.....he DID have a Northern Nights comforter to sleep on, and one of those oval magic Dyson fans...if only he had electricity....


I stopped a bit to chit chat about old times ( He's "like family" so he remembered me...I'm like a fifth cousin or something.....)


He said QVC severed him and Carolyn, which they agreed to, only to find out the "severance package" was a 500 dollar gift certificate to "Bed Bath and Beyond" and a set of 12 Mark Charles snips ( which he admitted were extraordinary!!!)...


He didn't feel TOO bad....he found out the other 399 laid off empoyees only got the leftover Cheryl's cookies and Landies Candies ( the ones that Alberti designed himself!!) and Mrs Prindables apples that just happened to be on the set that day.


One laid off person even got a used Vitamix with the QVC logo on it..he was thrilled!!! Everyone knows it's SO much more than a blender!!!


We chatted a bit, then I had to get going...the windblasts from the passing tractor trailers was too much....He wiped a little tear away and thanked me for shopping with him today...then quickly corrected himself and said he was glad I stopped, cause I've always been like family to him....No one from his REAL family ever stops by, and Carolyn's overpass is miles up the highway, so he doesn't get to see her much.


He DID tell me he heard her squirrel got flattened like the second day of living under the overpass. He TOLD her not to take him along, but she wouldn't listen. She wanted to be prepared if the Denim and Company guy stopped by...but he drives home a different way...


Today's update on the saga of Carolyn and under the overpasses on the PA Turnpike, living out thier days in misery....don't twist your hanky too much now!!!



(Sarcasm light is ON....)

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Poor Dan.


They didn't offer him anything life-sustaining. 

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Sorry J-gal...they were laid off, along with 398 others at QVC. It was in the news, you can Google it. "QVC Layoffs".


If you have time, look up the difference between being laid off and fired.


It makes a WORLD of difference a regards to benefits, unemployment, continuation of health benefits, and other severance benefits that people get when laid off ....INCLUDING getting a severance package. You sure don't get that when you're fired.


The is less stigma to being "laid off" as opposed to fired too, But they were NOT fired. Walked out? Maybe. But not fired.


Then see their financial report to understand WHY people were laid off. The company name is Qurate. 


Then look at thier stock performance over the last five years.....From 25.00 a share to about  one dollar. Stock ticker QRTEA.  Shocking decline in company value.


The reason for the layoffs had nothing to do with personal reasons, being "mean" or targetting those two because they are "old".


Nope ...Simple economics in retail today.


They were  SALES PEOPLE.  Emphasis on SALES. If you don't perform in sales, you're done. They were too tame for today's frantic sales pitches and over the top nonsense way of selling that QVC has embraced, in my opinion. Couldn't keep up. Sales suffered, and're out.



Business today. At least they GOT severance, along with other post employment benefits. Many people get NOTHING. 



No use being is what it is!!!!



They will be fine.

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Nope. Sales Professionals.....First order of the day....make the customer feel like he's "Family"'d never mess with "family"!!!!



I thought they were "family" too...but they won't take my calls, and they haven't called me yet to thank me for the things I bought when they were on.....I guess they just forgot about me....


Maybe I was like a fifth cousin or something?

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Posts: 70,383
Registered: ‎03-10-2010


@Caaareful Shopper wrote:

@Regal Bee wrote:

@Foxxee wrote:

Others here have noticed that, too.  QVC didn't renew some contracts, others look like they were fired and QVC did lay off some in the past, too. 


Carolyn and Dan were laid off.  No secret QVC was keeping from us.  Also, they did not say they wanted to spend more time with family.  It appeared they were very surprised.  


To me, laid off is just a more acceptable term for "fired." The two did receive a severance package that I am sure did not equal the amount they would have been paid had they not been laid off.  They also lost money that would have been paid into SS and most likely some health benefits until they are eligible for Medicare. 


I can't see why this is wonderful for them. 


Being laid off is devastating. Often those who were laid off are thought they weren't doing their job as well as others when it could have been ageism and making too much money.  All of those reasons were discussed here as possibilities.  


I do believe Carolyn (64) and Dan who will be 62 this October 27th, are the oldest. If someone knows any other host older than Dan besides Carolyn, please post.  





@Foxxee  Mary Beth will be 64 on August 10th. Birthday:  August 10 1959. 



Jane T., Jayne B., Leah W., Rick D. are all over 60 this year.

@Caaareful Shopper   @Regal Bee


It's entirely possible that the Q HR department assembled a list of all eligible retirees and offered them all a substantial retirement incentive and only Carolyn and Dan chose to accept it.  Certainly Bobby Ray Carter, who has been at HSN for 40 years, would have received such an offer and she obviously turned it down since she's still there.  We know of other long time employees including Carolyn's BFF, Shivon, who was a buyer who also accepted it.


After it was established who was going to retire, then they made decisions on who would be laid off.  This a clever and equitable way to avoid future age discrimination lawsuits and is commonly used in the corporate world.


Any worker in his or her 60s has retirement in his sights.  The QVC employees probably had no idea it would come so soon so it was quite a shock but they seemed to have recovered nicely and nobody is singing the blues.  It's obvious silence was part of the deal though.


The ones who chose to stay are not ready to quit working for whatever reason (financial?) nor would they make as much anywhere else as they do at QVC.  It would be difficult adjusting to a new job at their ages. .

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment