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Host talking over designer to tell stupid story

In the last presentation with the NYDJ, the host starts talking over the NYDJ rep. That was bad enough, but someone else was talking. The poor rep was explaining about the jeans and how the waist fits, but the host had to tell some story about her personal life. This host tells personal stories far too often. She gets so loud, and I couldn’t even tell you what was her story. Please, QVC, at least ensure personal stories relate to the product in some way. Oh, and screaming by hosts, yikes! My thought is that QVC’s highest “buying” audience is of at least four decades and older. They want younger viewers, but those viewers are not home watching tv. As a marketing major, you don’t want to lose your base in your attempt to increase it. You can’t be all things for all people. Find a good compromise.
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Re: Host talking over designer to tell stupid story

I totally agree!  I have it on but the sound off.  I find Mally totally disruptive and annoying.  Makes you wonder if the powers that be ever watch to see how effective their program ideas are.

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Re: Host talking over designer to tell stupid story

i can recite the NYDJ spiel word for word.


it's been the same for years.


he states it numerous times during every presentation.


can't imagine a story from the host took anything away from the information about this product



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Re: Host talking over designer to tell stupid story


One host won't put her phone down and the other one won't stop pacing the set. Yep, I changed the channel. Very un-fabulous for me. 
if sales were up I would say it's just me. Sadly, that is not the case. 

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Re: Host talking over designer to tell stupid story

@Lottapaws - the story was stupid? Stupid to whom? 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Host talking over designer to tell stupid story


This is why I very very rarely watch Q. I cannot stand hosts' stories about kids, spouses, families, vacations, and the childish antics that go with them. 


Just because someone thinks something doesn't mean it has to come out of their mouths.


Hosts are not my friends or even acquantances. They are salespeople, nothing more, who happen to be on tv. 

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Re: Host talking over designer to tell stupid story

Jane & Shawn are the worst offenders so I avoid them.

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Re: Host talking over designer to tell stupid story

[ Edited ]

I went back and watched that trainwreck presentation of the NYDJ crop pants.


It was among the most unprofessional segments I have seen on the Q.  Shawn was interacting with Mally on the phone and ignoring the vendor and models completely.


Their behavior reminded me of my granddaughter in middle school and her friends.


...just dreadful.

"Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are." BF
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Re: Host talking over designer to tell stupid story

This post has been removed by QVC because it is unkind and argumentative

Honored Contributor
Posts: 11,481
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Host talking over designer to tell stupid story

@wifey2qt wrote:

@Lottapaws - the story was stupid? Stupid to whom? 


I haven't heard a smart or relevant story yet. If you like them, watch. I don't.