Posts: 28
Registered: ‎10-05-2017

Amy, Courtney, Julia and others Olthers look so sloppy and unkempt

with their tops half in and half out. Like they just rolled out of bed

and came to work. QVC used to be pretty more.

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I simply cannot stand that half tuck image.......yesterday during the BD show Julia and the vendor looked ridiculous in thier outifts.  And that vendor, OMG always a half tuck, look at me, I'm awesome attitude........... we don't all care about "California Chic"......... so tired of that statement.    Don't beat me up, if you like BD, then enjoy them, I am one who feels it's an overstated overpriced line.


Sorry didn't mean to hijack.

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I have to disagree. There is a place for the half tuck, just depends on your personal style. When I wear a very blousy top, which I did over the weekend, and I found it was too voluminous, I tucked in just the front, kind of bloused it over the waist band, left the back out, and I believed it was a better look on me. I also received several compliments on the top and look. 


I've always believed anybody could wear anything as long as they "owned it" and felt good. What I wear may not be what one of my cousin wears, and vice versa. However, I would never look at her and tell her she looked sloppy because  she was wearing something I wouldn't wear. Very judgmental in my opinion. 

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A GREAT idea if you want to look SLOPPY,  look like you don't own a full length mirror, or look like you just ROLLED OUT OF BED. LOLOLOLOL!!!! 

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The half tuck, too cool for school look is what's going to bring in all the young customers to QVC and save them from extinction...dontcha know. Woman WinkWoman LOLWoman Wink 

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It's a fad, and I think it will go away before too long.  I can't pull it off because it makes my apple shape look even more puffy. 

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Half tuck makes as much sense to me as cold shoulder sweaters as many other fads.  It's not about the person that chooses to wear it, it's up to them, but it's about the styles.


I don't care for the half tuck, jamming a handful of fabric into the front of jeans doesn't appeal to me.  However I will neither defend or knock it.  Not my business.  It's just my opinion which doen't make me right or wrong, just mine.


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2014 the birth of the half tuck.  
I do the side-half-tuck. My belly is flat and the slight diagonal drape to the tee shirt is flattering.  If a shirt or blouse is longer, it's side tucked.  

If it's "bottom of front pocket" grazing length, then I wear it out as is.  
I don't mind the trend and since it's been a thing for so long, it may be here to stay. 

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I often wore tees half tucked all the time or blouses tied since the '70's.   Some think it looks sloppy but not everyone and that is ok.  We all have different tastes in clothing.  Myself, I think baggy, boxy, high waisted conservative clothing is not a great look but that is just my opinion and many others like those looks.  I think in today's world that classy conservative is way outdated just like clothing from other eras is!  Change happens and some sstill cling to the past!!

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@lonistwin wrote:

Amy, Courtney, Julia and others Olthers look so sloppy and unkempt

with their tops half in and half out. Like they just rolled out of bed

and came to work. QVC used to be pretty more.





Even though we may not like it or wear it...half tuck is a VERY current trend.


Has nothing to do w/ class...just like ripped jeans!


Trends come and go...this too shall pass.