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Easy upgrade from Mail Innovations

Do you hate the mail innovations hand-off from UPS to USPS because it adds to the shipping time?  Here is one way to change it.


To upgrade from mail innovations, go to, click on setup/login at the top, and set up a UPS My Choice account (no charge to set it up).  


Then set up preferences including the ones that notify you when UPS receives a package addressed to you. 


When you get the text or email saying UPS has a package for you, you can click on the tracking number and upgrade to have UPS deliver the package instead of handing it off to USPS.   It does cost $3 per packge.    Or you can pay an annual fee and UPS will automatically upgrade all packages.

Posts: 66
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Thanks for providing all the details. This is definitely...

Thanks for providing all the details. This is definitely worth checking out!!
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Easy upgrade from Mail Innovations

I haven't ordered from QVC in a long time and wasn't going to because of all of the shipping problems they're having.  It has always taken longer to get things from QVC than other places though.


Recently they had a Barefoot Dreams sweater as a TSV.  It was a good price for Barefoot Dreams and I ordered it.  I was already set up for UPS My Choice but had never upgraded a package.  I knew it would take much longer than they said to receive the QVC package, so I paid the $3.50 to upgrade to UPS. My package came the next day.  It was worth the $3.50 to me.


I have no problem receiving USPS from other businesses, but Mail Innovations is different.

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Re: Easy upgrade from Mail Innovations

I had been thinking of doing this a while ago, but someone on the forums recently said that the upgrade didn't work with Mail Innovations, only the UPS SurePost.


I'd be interested to know if others have found this to be true or not.

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Re: Thanks for providing all the details. This is definitely...

I have been doing this off and on for a long time, it usually depends on how much I want the package

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Re: Easy upgrade from Mail Innovations

I have had My Choice for two years and pay yearly. @geezerette I have it set to upgrade all packages, Sure Post and mail Innovations to UPS only delivery. No more delayed delivery! Very pleased with the service and have it renew automatically every year. 


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Re: Easy upgrade from Mail Innovations

a nice choice for people if they want to spend the extra money. i have not had any major issues with package delivery so i dont want to add to the cost by spending more money to be able to possibly get it sooner.

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Re: Easy upgrade from Mail Innovations

@geezerette wrote:

I had been thinking of doing this a while ago, but someone on the forums recently said that the upgrade didn't work with Mail Innovations, only the UPS SurePost.


I'd be interested to know if others have found this to be true or not.

I upgraded my UPS free My Choice to the My Choice Premium for a yearly fee thinking I was finally free of Mail Innovations aka The Pony Express. Much to my dismay, I discovered that My Choice Premium does not upgrade Mail Innovations packages, only Sure Post. I went online to clarify this and found that Mail Innovations is for smaller packages (under 1 lb.) and Sure Post handles the larger packages over 1 lb. So a $200 piece of jewelry will still come MI and a larger $20 kitchen tool will upgrade to UPS Ground. Most of my clothing and jewelry orders still come through MI. It's maddening. 🤬


I really miss the days at the Q when you had a choice as to how you wanted your package shipped. It was worth a few extra $ not to have to deal with USPS. 

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Re: Easy upgrade from Mail Innovations

[ Edited ]

@mspatmac wrote:

I have had My Choice for two years and pay yearly. @geezerette I have it set to upgrade all packages, Sure Post and mail Innovations to UPS only delivery. No more delayed delivery! Very pleased with the service and have it renew automatically every year. 

@mspatmac, where on the My Choice Premium website did you go to change your settings to have UPS Ground deliver both SP and MI? I went to my account and changed the settings to have ALL packages automatically upgrade to UPS Ground and it still only upgrades SP packages, not MI. The only option I see offered there is to "automically upgrade all Sure Post packages to UPS Ground". No options mentioned for Mail Innovations packages.  I'd love to find out if there's a way to do this. 





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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Easy upgrade from Mail Innovations

I knew you could do that but need it to upgrade well before that point. I don't want to use mail innovations period from any of the carriers. It all stinks.

I placed an order with ShopHQ & that's how my package was shipped. It goes to Carrollton, Tx before it comes here.

Once in Carrollton it makes it way to OK. Not this package since it went to Arlington Tx which is only 30 mins away from Carrollton but it took 3 days to get there. Still sitting in Arlington. Guess it will take at least 3 more days to move that 30 mins away? Will see if it moves tomorrow.

I received an email to review the product I ordered. Kind of hard to do that when I still don't have it. LOL!!!

At this rate it might make it here before the 4th.

Employees need to pull their head out. No excuse to put a package on the wrong truck. Happens way to often.