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Lately when I place an order, it seems to automatically default to Easy Pay. I sure would like to be able to set my billing preference......if there is a way, I haven't found it. It would be nice if there was a personal preference setting for either Easy Pay or Pay In Full (one payment) under My Account settings.

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@1920712.  All you have to do is click "EDIT" where it say easy pay, then click "one payment".  Very simple.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Yes, it really is easy! I ordered something today and it was a quick check-out process, thank goodness!!😉
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@Kachina624, &  @hooked on books ,  Sure, it's easy, but why should anyone have to edit if they never want to use Easy Pay?

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Registered: ‎10-15-2018
I guess because that is what the default setting is. Maybe more people use the easy pays. I don't mind editing. I'm not using easy pays anymore if I can help it! Got caught up in that easy pay, pay forever, world, LOL!!!
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@1920712 wrote:

@Kachina624, &  @hooked on books ,  Sure, it's easy, but why should anyone have to edit if they never want to use Easy Pay?


The same could be asked by those who want to use easy pay on something....why should they edit to change it to easy pay.


IMO, I liked the choices offered in the old check-out. Since it's not available anymore, a simple click either way doesn't hurt anyone.

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Posts: 1,257
Registered: ‎10-15-2018
Yes, I guess they had to choose a default setting and easy pay was their choice. I am really mindful now that I do need to edit out of easy pay and make that change before checking out!!