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Don't point flashlight into our eyes.

They don't point the flashlight into each other's eyes but they point it at the camera. When they do, I turn away and even stop looking at the presentation. No one dies that when they buy a flashlight. We point it at an object. Usually trying to find a dark area of the store and point it at AN OBJECT not at our eyes.
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Re: Don't point flashlight into our eyes.

I think they are just trying to show you how bright they are. It doesn't bother me but I could see where other's may not like it. Perhaps you shouldn't watch any presentations with lighting devices. 

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Re: Don't point flashlight into our eyes.

@mjmm  Do you see this as a major problem?  Do you understand that only your fellow customers read this board and they aren't pointing flashlights at TV cameras?

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Don't point flashlight into our eyes.

Some people react badly to bright, flashing lights.  I didn't see the subject presentation but doubt it had the desired (?) effect on anyone.

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Registered: ‎08-13-2020

Re: Don't point flashlight into our eyes.

Hosts and vendors\reps really do need to be careful. There was one flashlight they were presenting several weeks back which was extremely bright, and they pointed it out they aimed it right at the camera. It was so bright my retinas reacted just as if the light was actually in front of me.
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Re: Don't point flashlight into our eyes.


Valued Contributor
Posts: 931
Registered: ‎05-12-2010

Re: Don't point flashlight into our eyes.

Thank you!  I find this very annying as well. It hurts my eyes.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Don't point flashlight into our eyes.

There is a tac-light commercial that beams the strobe light into the camera for many seconds.  They must not realize it may set off a seizure in some epileptics.