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Registered: ‎05-13-2010

Re: Boo hiss on previously recorded!

This is a good way to totally lose whatever viewing audience you have. They must think no one is up or can't sleep from midnight to 6-7AM. Some use these channels for a little company, comfort, an attempt to put them to sleep.


Well this is the way to do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No one will watch at night anymore.


No one will be watching throughout the day hours now either.


Way to take yourself off the air. Forever.

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Posts: 20,493
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Boo hiss on previously recorded!

Think how many hundreds of grands they'll save in salaries for the poorly prepared overnight hosts. They need to balance that with what they'll lose in sales. Poor QVC seems to be tanking no matter how you look at it.

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Registered: ‎06-27-2010

Re: Boo hiss on previously recorded!

I just went to the program guide and Kim Gravel and Sandra have been on for more than 2 hours.    Are they being recorded?  They are using the HSN ideas.  I do not watch HSN it seems to be all mkixed up to me.

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Posts: 2
Registered: ‎10-07-2019

Re: Boo hiss on previously recorded!

Previously recorded airing of the same program over and over and over for hours starting at 11 p.m. PST is a disastrous mistake by QVC! I have been watching and doing most of my purchases during those hours for 30 plus years...only time I have peace and quiet for myself. To suddenly stop live pregramming with no warning or mention is dishonest on the part of QVC. Revenues will no doubt plummet with all this pre recorded repetitive programming for so many hours. Shame on you QVC. Guess you don't care about your viewers in Pacific Standard Time Zone.
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Registered: ‎10-07-2019

Re: Boo hiss on previously recorded!

New Contributor
Posts: 4
Registered: ‎09-02-2010

Re: Boo hiss on previously recorded!

I agree.  This is SO off-putting.  No one wants to see the same re-run show all night.  Good grief.  This is no way to run your business, QVC.!!!!!  And what happened to communicating with your customers?  We had to discover this lousy decision by ourselves, and we are ******!!   I wonder if anyone is even there to read all our comments about this.  Bad move, QVC!!  

Posts: 42
Registered: ‎07-23-2010

Re: Boo hiss on previously recorded!

I HATE this type of programming.  HSN does it and it stinks, now QVC.  I am an early riser and I love watching the live shows at 4:00 AM.  Now it's a constant repeat of the TSV at 12:00!    There is no way QVC is losing money and has to stop overnight programming.  NO!  NO!   NO!  I don't care if it is a 4 week tryout. PLEASE STOP THIS! 

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Posts: 4
Registered: ‎09-02-2010

Re: Boo hiss on previously recorded!

By the way, for viewers on the left coast, this is happening on the east coast as well.  I'm in the Atlanta viewing area and noticed this going on from midnight until  7 am, when Leah came on live a few minutes ago.  This is NOT acceptable, QVC!!  Give us back our 24 LIVE programming!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New Contributor
Posts: 4
Registered: ‎09-02-2010

Re: Boo hiss on previously recorded!

This isn't just going on with the West Coast.  I'm outside of Atlanta and we also had this nonsense from midnight until 7 am this morning, so it's company-wide.  Stinks.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 17
Registered: ‎02-02-2011

Re: Boo hiss on previously recorded!

Get rid of these other channels and go back to square one, please.