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Posts: 174
Registered: ‎10-12-2014

Please fix your persistent banner at the prevents me from getting to certain options by covering them in the menus. Thanks!



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Posts: 16,556
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I am glad it is not only me, it seems the pull down menus block often block the screen

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QVC Customer Care
Posts: 1,973
Registered: ‎06-14-2015

Hi @Greenqueen @I am still oxox Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I am not seeing it so it might be fixed by now. I will forward your feedback to our IT Department.

Regular Contributor
Posts: 174
Registered: ‎10-12-2014

Thank you Alice. It's still happening for may be a mobile phone thing.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 647
Registered: ‎07-29-2015

Thank you! I have this too and I have IPAD.

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@Alice-QVC  it's not fixed.  You can't get to "items recently on air".  The banner covers that option.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
QVC Customer Care
Posts: 1,973
Registered: ‎06-14-2015

Hi @Kachina624 Our IT Department checked several servers and could not find any issue. Could you please try clearing your cookies and maybe change browsers.

QVC Customer Care
Posts: 1,973
Registered: ‎06-14-2015

Hi @Kachina624, I just spoke with the IT Department again. Can you please email a screen shot of what you are seeing to Posting here is too small to see everything.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 71,719
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@Alice-QVC  Changing browsers didn't help.  I sent you a screenshot.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
QVC Customer Care
Posts: 1,973
Registered: ‎06-14-2015

Got your email @Kachina624 thank you. I am forwarding it to IT. Are you on a computer or mobile devise?