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Advanced Orders, Shipping, Dates

With so many advanced order products, please put the information of the date that was stated in the presentations into the order.  Other than it saying "advanced order" there is nothing I'm finding with the details  of when.  Shipping is a chronic problem with QVC (not HSN, not Zulily).  Recently I ordered a few items >$100 (handbag, jacket). Shockingly, these arrived faster than anything I've seen from QVC.  So I'm to assume that the items that generate the most revenue are packed and expedited whereas others tour the country taking upwards of 3-4 weeks?  There are items that show an anticipated delivery date that are not even shipped until 4-5 days after the posted dates.  Seriously? I have little to no isssues with other companies causing me to cancel more and more orders or moving my purchases to other companies altogether. That's sad after 20 Years.  

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Re: Advanced Orders, Shipping, Dates

Zulily shipping isn't a problem?  It generally takes 3 and up to 6 weeks to receive merchandise.  You also might be shocked to know that people are getting notices that Marla Wynn merchandise at HSN is being delayed. 


The cost of merchandise has nothing to do with its delivery, which is contingent on its availability.  Ports in China are closed, shipping containers in short supply and ships are backed up at West Coast ports waiting to unload then there's a shortage of trucks to transport goods.  It's a big mess. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Advanced Orders, Shipping, Dates

QVC's processing and shipping has been a chronic problem.  Before Covid, it was the integration with HSN.  From what I remember, QVC hasn't been speedy compared to other retailers.  


There are reasons now, backup manufacturing and delivery, but, so far, I have not had problems with any other retailer, even HSN.  The other day, I did see a delay notice concerning Marla Wynne at HSN. With QVC, we find out something is delayed after we buy it because it takes so long to process.  


Restoration Hardware recently posted a banner saying customers' orders might be delayed because of delayed manufacturing and delivery.  To find out if my order would be delayed, I was asked to post my zip code, then was told my order would be shipped 3 days later. 


By that I assumed some items were in stock, others not, but at least customers are being informed about what is in stock and why others would be delayed.  I could decide whether I wanted to buy it or not.  I didn't go through the process of buying to find out my order would be delayed.


As for Zulily, most shoppers know shipping will take up to a month or more, but they do tell us when items can be shipped immediately before we buy something.  


The difference between Zulily and Restoration Hardware is our QVC orders sit and sit and sit either in processing, may go to backorder, then in processing again, or even advanced order, past the shipping date with no explanation why.  Of course, during that time, we are unable to cancel except when in goes into backorder or advanced order.  


Although, yours has been a chronic complaint on this forum, QVC fails to address it other than telling us they are working as hard as they can to get orders to us.  Are they working hard efficiently, or inefficiently? 


QVC is fortunate to have TV presence with a high number of what appears to me to be addicted women; a QVC club, if you will, but with so many other problems, as well, I don't think it would survive with only online presence.  



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Re: Advanced Orders, Shipping, Dates

@KateLynninAZ - It is a bit frustrating that the date information is not listed in your order history online, but if you check your order confirmation email, you'll find the date there.

Super Contributor
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Re: Advanced Orders, Shipping, Dates

Other companies can deliver promptly! It's QVC that has the issue with availability and deliveries. It's time to stop using COVID as an excuse!

Posts: 52
Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Re: Advanced Orders, Shipping, Dates

I ordered a pair of sandals on August 8th from HSN. They still say

packaging. I called today and the customer service person said they were in the wearhouse and should ship out soon. I asked her to cancel the order because I am going on vaccation. She couldn't cancel the order but said I should get them by Aug. 25 (which is today) and if they don't arrive I should get a notification as to the new delivery date. How frustrating!!

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 12
Registered: ‎06-10-2015

Re: Advanced Orders, Shipping, Dates

Currently, I am waiting for an advanced order item to ship.  I ordered H225240 in August with an expected ship to customer date of 9/13.  My status still shows advanced order.  There has been no communication from QVC regarding the delay.  When I contacted Customer Service on 9/25 they said there is a delay and that's all they knew.  I understand shipping delays, but I don't understand the lack of communication.

Posts: 61
Registered: ‎08-13-2018

Re: Advanced Orders, Shipping, Dates

[ Edited ]

I really hate to break it to you but how bad is the supply and demand issue? My son works for Wal-Mart and he said to me there will be no lay aways this year which helps customers who cannot afford to buy all at once now add in he also spoke of Wal-Mart not possibly having black Friday either. This is not just QVC having issues this is going to happen everywhere who are experiencing it some earlier than others depending on what you are selling in general. People here also forget that vendors are handling some of the shipments of the products not QVC itself unless you call and find out whether its QVC warehouse shipping or the vendor you really don't know who is shipping what. People need to listen when these host are saying supply and demand issues are happening just because it hasn't happen in some places doesn't mean it won't eventually it takes time to trickle down where everyone is feeling it. If Wal-Mart which is huge across this country is talking about possible no black Friday sales that should tell you as customers it starting to affect even the biggest chain there is. 


Please be patient make sure when you are ordering do not expect to have in 7 to t0 days like it use to be they are doing the best they can with what they got. Just ask questions and be understanding considering what is going on.