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Serious suggestion for the QVC webmaster(s) - limit the number of characters in a thread title or post that can be in CAPS. Other forums do this. If you are typing a post and hit "submit" a pop-up box will tell you that your capital letter count has exceeded their limit) and the post will not go through. It is extremely annoying, and in most cases *deliberate* rudeness to post more than a short phrase in caps. I know it is deliberate because I see posters "shouting" through entire multi-line posts most of the time who also post normally - when they feel like it. Please consider this small change, QVC. It would make the forums more civilized, i.e. force people to follow ordinary Netiquette - and it wouldn't hurt anything.
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I understand what you're saying about all caps. It is like yelling.

However, you can't control everyone else, only yourself. We all have choices in we find offense or irritation everywhere or do we find peace and ignore what doesn't really make any difference to our lives. I choose not to take all caps as a negative on a site like this. It is a non-issue to me because Q's forums are where anonymous people post their thoughts, ideas, opinions, and product information. Anonymous people can be mean and nasty but it very rarely bothers to me...they're anonymous, I don't know them, and I won't let someone I don't know get to me...or take up space in my head. I move on and forget it.

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On 10/12/2014 CalmInTheHeart said:

I understand what you're saying about all caps. It is like yelling.

However, you can't control everyone else, only yourself. We all have choices in we find offense or irritation everywhere or do we find peace and ignore what doesn't really make any difference to our lives. I choose not to take all caps as a negative on a site like this. It is a non-issue to me because Q's forums are where anonymous people post their thoughts, ideas, opinions, and product information. Anonymous people can be mean and nasty but it very rarely bothers to me...they're anonymous, I don't know them, and I won't let someone I don't know get to me...or take up space in my head. I move on and forget it.

For me, it's how professional, in "accepted online standards" a site chooses to be. I'm not talking about all caps sprinkled here and there. I'm talking about solid walls of all caps that the poster is aware is shouting, done deliberately. Not sure how my single suggestion prompts you to infer that I may be someone who "finds offense and irritation everywhere." Taken to the extreme, that could be said of every poster who ever complains about anything, then. I have been participating in online discussions, in public forums and elsewhere, for almost 22 years. I have come to know what's considered generally acceptable and not acceptable, on a variety of forums. This is Amazon's policy, just for one. But then, they are a site that caters to the literate, as far as reading and communicating. And this is a shopping channel site. Perhaps that explains the difference in company attitude and I expect too much of participants here and the company professionalism.
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It appears my thoughts on the subject were poofed... brief though they were. So let me rephrase in a way that, perhaps, won't offend anyone's sensibilities, however delicate... Personally, I don't view ALL CAPS as being a significant enough problem to warrant extra monitoring and/or the cost of additional software to isolate and address the matter when it crops up. Yes, that some use ALL CAPS religiously is annoying, but not, to me anyway, a glaring issue. Sorry, OP, that it bothers you so significantly.

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Oh, I neglected to mention that part of the reason behind my thinking is that there are, to me anyway, far bigger website issues on both sides of the site that need to be addressed before this would be my personal priority.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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All I know is if things become difficult to read, I quit reading. That includes caps posts that go on and on with no paragraphs. I guess that means posts that go on and on, period. Be succinct.

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This is a huge problem on this board and even if you ask people not to do it you pretty much just get the finger. Rude on top of rude!

They also need to get rid of the bolding feature. There are more and more people on this board who put their posts in all bolded. This is also considered yelling and is very rude. Not only that, it hurts the eyeballs. Smiley Happy I don't read too many posts in all caps or all bolded because of that.

Don't even get me started on the ones who type everything in one giant sentence with a bunch of dots every few words. Those will make your eyeballs bleed! We learned basic sentence structure in grammar school, back when I was a kid. I guess that fell along the wayside like grammar and spelling.

I understand what one poster said about, basically, get over it and just expect that everybody is different. But these are just basic internet etiquette guidelines. It's just like - you don't go screaming at people or you don't go into somebody's house and pee on the floor - just very basic manners of a civilized society.

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I generally don't read posts that have the cap lock on. It's hard for me to so I don't. Smiley Happy

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On 10/12/2014 chickenbutt said:

This is a huge problem on this board and even if you ask people not to do it you pretty much just get the finger. Rude on top of rude!

They also need to get rid of the bolding feature. There are more and more people on this board who put their posts in all bolded. This is also considered yelling and is very rude. Not only that, it hurts the eyeballs. Smiley Happy I don't read too many posts in all caps or all bolded because of that.

Don't even get me started on the ones who type everything in one giant sentence with a bunch of dots every few words. Those will make your eyeballs bleed! We learned basic sentence structure in grammar school, back when I was a kid. I guess that fell along the wayside like grammar and spelling.

I understand what one poster said about, basically, get over it and just expect that everybody is different. But these are just basic internet etiquette guidelines. It's just like - you don't go screaming at people or you don't go into somebody's house and pee on the floor - just very basic manners of a civilized society.

Thank you, CB. You "get it." I kind of like when a sentence or two is bolded in someone's response, but more than that, or routinely all bold, isn't necessary any more than the all caps. It's people playing games for the sake of playing games. Perfect analogy re the weeing on the carpet. Like - no one can physically stop you, but - ewwww. Some things are not done by the civilized. Can I avoid it? To some extent, and I avoid threads where I see certain posters' names that do it. But even though I avoid it I'm still annoyed at the poor manners. The run-on paragraph is - what? Some people think it's cute, apparently. No periods, no other punctuation, no capital letters. All righty then - no read, no help.
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On 10/12/2014 stevieb said:

It appears my thoughts on the subject were poofed... brief though they were. So let me rephrase in a way that, perhaps, won't offend anyone's sensibilities, however delicate... Personally, I don't view ALL CAPS as being a significant enough problem to warrant extra monitoring and/or the cost of additional software to isolate and address the matter when it crops up. Yes, that some use ALL CAPS religiously is annoying, but not, to me anyway, a glaring issue. Sorry, OP, that it bothers you so significantly.

Sorry to disappoint, but it had nothing to do with *my* sensibilities. I was as surprised as you were, since I had done nothing. It did make me smile, though :-)
Life without Mexican food is no life at all