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Hoping our Phoenix Suns win the title!!!!!   They are a great group of men, on and off the court. Their coach is a strong and kind coach who is an inspiration to these men.

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Registered: ‎04-26-2010

@Calcgirl  ME TOO!!!!  So remember that special team in the 90's.  This team is very similar.  Great game tonight.  GO SUNS!

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Re: GO SUNS !!!!!!

[ Edited ]

Yes GO SUNS! We need this championship.. 



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Posts: 1,423
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Yes I do!!!!!


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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

One down, three to go!   Go SUNS !

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Have been a big fan since John MacCeod era.....GO SUNS!!!!!!!!!!


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Okay, total shallow alert.  I haven't watched any basketball in awhile.  I don't tune in to sports for anything other than a game.


But I made a point to tune in to the Suns when I found out Kendall Jenner was dating Devin Booker of the Suns.  I think she is just beautiful, and was curious what kind of guy he was.  He's a heck of a basketball player, for sure.


So I've inadvertently gotten hooked.  Unless something changes when they go to Milwaukee, I think the Suns will be the champs.



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Posts: 265
Registered: ‎04-26-2010

@Calcgirl  Two down two to go!  Can't  wait till Sunday.  GO SUNS!!!!!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Getting ready to watch; think this will go to 7 games.  Rooting for the Bucks as I'm a Midwesterner!  

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Sadly, the Suns have let the momentum slip away!  The Bucks look unstoppable right now.  My son and grandson are huge Suns fans (they live in Phoenix) and they are doubting that the Suns can win game 6 AND game 7, so I guess the Bucks will be the champions.  But kudos to the Suns and their coaches for getting this far!