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? about thong sandals. Does it take a while to get used to the toe piece?

I have never worn thong sandals but have seen some cute ones that I wonder if I could wear or would they cause pain between the two toes?

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Re: ? about thong sandals. Does it take a while to get used to the toe piece?

Last year I bought Orthoheel thongs with metal ring on top of foot. Not only did they feel comfy on first wear but their sole design gives so much relief to my ""fallen"" ankles. They've held up well and I slip them on at home and they look stylish enough to wear with anything casual for lunch date followed by lots of walking around town on cement! I bought a 2nd pair without thong this year for the amazing comfort. Many thong sandals though are plain irritating.
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Re: ? about thong sandals. Does it take a while to get used to the toe piece?

The first time I bought a pair I called my sister and said I love the sandals but between my toes hurt. She said wear them around the house a little bit each day. The skin will toughen and you won't even notice. She was right. Maybe 5 days at the most. But each year I have to get used to them so I start early. In April. So by the time its warm enough here (PA) I'm ready to go. The odd part is there isn't a callous there yet it just stops hurting! Good Luck!

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Re: ? about thong sandals. Does it take a while to get used to the toe piece?

If they're not comfortable from the get-go, I wouldn't buy them.

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Re: ? about thong sandals. Does it take a while to get used to the toe piece?

On 6/20/2014 beautty said: Last year I bought Orthoheel thongs with metal ring on top of foot. Not only did they feel comfy on first wear but their sole design gives so much relief to my "fallen" ankles. They've held up well and I slip them on at home and they look stylish enough to wear with anything casual for lunch date followed by lots of walking around town on cement! I bought a 2nd pair without thong this year for the amazing comfort. Many thong sandals though are plain irritating.

beautty, do you happen to know the item number of the thongs you have?

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Re: ? about thong sandals. Does it take a while to get used to the toe piece?

I'm the OP with questions: I should have mentioned that I have a wide foot and a very high instep, plus I need the arch support.

Is there an Orthoheel that some of you with the same problem feet can recommend to me?

Thank you.

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Re: ? about thong sandals. Does it take a while to get used to the toe piece?

I have a wide toe section and high arches. I got an infection between my big toe and 2nd toe after wearing thongs. I never wore them after that. I have bought one pair of oythoheel ...mary janes. They work okay. I think they are kind of hard so I wouldn't buy them again. I think shoes are not a good thing to buy online for the most part,
On 6/21/2014 bigsister said:

I'm the OP with questions: I should have mentioned that I have a wide foot and a very high instep, plus I need the arch support.

Is there an Orthoheel that some of you with the same problem feet can recommend to me?

Thank you.

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Re: ? about thong sandals. Does it take a while to get used to the toe piece?

I live in the northeast and wear thongs all day long in the house all year long and around town doing my errands except for the coldest winter months. I never buy any that have a rounded post between the toes, only the ones that are cloth between the toes or if they're leather the post part has to be sewn so it's thin and vertical. Never have a problem. I've tried a few cheapie pairs from Old Navy with the round rubber post and better quality leather ones with a round toe post and they rubbed me raw. Reef brand has a nice selection of comfy ones. When looking on-line at the Orthoheel's use the zoom feature to have a close look at how the toe post is made and make sure it's either fabric or sewn vertically not rounded.

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Re: ? about thong sandals. Does it take a while to get used to the toe piece?

It sounds funny but it depends. I have been wearing thong sandals all my life. I like them better. Look at the thong part, some manufacturers make an extra seam that is rough on the toe. If it is a well made shoe, it will be one piece without a seam.

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Re: ? about thong sandals. Does it take a while to get used to the toe piece?

On 6/21/2014 BigBro6 said:

It sounds funny but it depends. I have been wearing thong sandals all my life. I like them better. Look at the thong part, some manufacturers make an extra seam that is rough on the toe. If it is a well made shoe, it will be one piece without a seam.

I have worn thong sandals for so long it seems my big toe and second toe have permanant sepereration between them

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