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Re: Your thoughts on this handbag etiquette!

Some people are beyond common sense and reason. They want what they want, dam the consequences (selling someone else her used bag.) She could have left the bag in its package to exchange it but she didn't. Too bad.


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Re: Your thoughts on this handbag etiquette!

my entire working career was with the boggles the mind what people will ask of you....when it was beyond my decision...I called the management...its the only way to deal with a problem....

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Re: Your thoughts on this handbag etiquette!

It's probably an urban legend......but I have heard that Nordstroms ""took back"" a set of tires once.............

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Your thoughts on this handbag etiquette!

Years and years ago a friend worked as a buyer in Bloomingdale's shoe dept. people returned worn shoes all the time. Not just a day of wearing but worn out worn and they took it back. Disgusting. I don't remember the reasons why they had to take the returns.

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Re: Your thoughts on this handbag etiquette!

That really is not etiquette. Just silliness.

'cuz every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man
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Re: Your thoughts on this handbag etiquette!

I'm glad you enjoy people--probably some more than others.

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Re: Your thoughts on this handbag etiquette!

I think she knew what she was proposing was out of bounds but wanted to see if she could get away with it. Her picture should be in the dictionary under the word ""chutzpah.""

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Re: Your thoughts on this handbag etiquette!

I did not read that the OP said the customer had a receipt, nor did I read of any proof of where the original bag was purchased. I think attempting to handle this "so called customer" was proper for the OP. If after refusing the switch the customer wanted to talk to the manager that is when I think it would have been proper for the OP to call the manager.

People really attempt to take advantage of inexperienced holiday clerks on a really busy day.

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Registered: ‎01-03-2012

Re: Your thoughts on this handbag etiquette!

You must work at Macy's. Worst customer service in my opinion. I used to work there. Take the bag back.
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Re: Your thoughts on this handbag etiquette!

On 12/28/2014 judgejudith said:

I did not read that the OP said the customer had a receipt, nor did I read of any proof of where the original bag was purchased. I think attempting to handle this "so called customer" was proper for the OP. If after refusing the switch the customer wanted to talk to the manager that is when I think it would have been proper for the OP to call the manager.

People really attempt to take advantage of inexperienced holiday clerks on a really busy day.