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I wear narrow width shoes, cannot wear medium without socks. So, every time there are shoes being shown that I like, I call and ask the person taking orders if that shoe comes in narrow. I know I can look it up on-line, but that would defeat my purpose. The answer is always no. I then say, that's too bad because I need narrow shoes. Sometimes, the QVC order rep will say they will pass that info along.

So, if you also need narrow width shoes, I suggest you do the same thing. Maybe we'll eventually be able to get some shoes that we can wear.

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Re: Need narrow width shoes?

I guess I'm the only one with this issue. If not, please, please call QVC and ask if they could start selling narrow width shoes. The hosts and vendors go on and on about how wonderful it is that they sell wide widths, what about those of us who need narrow width shoes? They are ignoring an entire section of shoe buying public.

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Re: Need narrow width shoes?

On 4/23/2014 di-mc said:

I guess I'm the only one with this issue. If not, please, please call QVC and ask if they could start selling narrow width shoes. The hosts and vendors go on and on about how wonderful it is that they sell wide widths, what about those of us who need narrow width shoes? They are ignoring an entire section of shoe buying public.

Hi di-mc! I too have a very narrow foot. I find it extremely difficult to find shoes that fit me that are stylish...I don't know if many of the manufacturers have just cut down/stopped making AA or AAA's and that is why so many retailers don't carry much in the way of an "extended size line (many more wide widths than narrow everywhere when they are carried).

I totally agree it is very frustrating and will make it a point to call on a couple pairs of shoes and voice my opinion. I have also mentioned the lack of shoes in narrow sizing to many different retail stores. They just shake their head and note that there are really not too many options for us for fun, on trend shoes anywhere. Nordstrom is one store I still shop at but I am talking about high high end .... I'd love to have more shoes and spend what the average woman spends on her shoe wardrobe!

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Re: Need narrow width shoes?

GemNbeauty, I get most of my shoes from Talbots. They offer most of their shoes in narrow widths. Wait until they are on sale and you will get great shoes at a nice price!

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Re: Need narrow width shoes?

I agree! I MUST have narrow shoes. It's very frustrating; I literally have to order ALL shoes online. Fortunately, there are several very good online sites for shoes. QVC is simply missing out on business from its many narrow-footed customers! Smiley Happy
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Re: Need narrow width shoes?

I, too, need narrow width shoes. However, I have a few on-line sources that I use….and they usually offer free shipping (both ways) and sometimes a good rebate from "mrrebates". Sometimes I'll watch the Q shoe shows and if I see a shoe I like, I'll look it up and see if I can get it elsewhere in my width. Since QVC doesn't care to stock narrow width shoes, I'm happy to take my shoe business elsewhere.

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Re: Need narrow width shoes?

I would love to try some of the Isaac moccasins that come in such cute colors, and other shoes that are only on QVC, but I need a narrow in these so I can't buy them. QVC offers wides in many shoes, and even extra wides, but rarely narrows, and never in the Isaac line.

Guess there are more wide QVC shoppers than narrow, since we are being ignored.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Need narrow width shoes?

I also have a narrow foot and won't buy shoes from QVC because it costs too much to return. Even if they have a narrow width, it doesn't always fit. I either buy shoes locally or order from Zappos or Amazon so return is free.

It's always a victory for me when I remember why I entered a room.
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Re: Need narrow width shoes? has about 2900 pairs of narrow width shoes to choose from - lots of different brands and styles to choose from.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,275
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Re: Need narrow width shoes?

Offering more narrow width shoes is a request which QVC has been hearing for years from their customers who need this width. Evidently when they do offer that rare narrow width the number sold doesn't pump them up to add more. They have these magic numbers of what they consider to be enough to think of it as customer demand.

In the meantime, thank goodness there are other sources to obtain narrow width shoes in the inventory of the brands sold by QVC. I usually shop the brand's website for the most complete selection in narrow width, but Nordstrom has a fabulous selection of narrow width shoes.