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Re: My Earth shoes just arrived!

Okay, because I love my shoe sisters.  I will take a pic of my hairy leg in the shabootie so you can see what I am talking about.  Be right back.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: My Earth shoes just arrived!

@Bird mama


Birdmama takes one for the team.  Heart

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Re: My Earth shoes just arrived!

This large gap at the top is bad enough when I am looking down.  I had a pair of crew socks on so I might have  'grampa socks' marks on my skin, lol.




There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: My Earth shoes just arrived!

@Bird mama


I'd send those back too.  How disappointing; I know you were all excited about getting them. Woman Sad


I think I'm going to pass because I have a feeling that the q will assume "wide foot = chubby ankle", just like they used to do with tall boots until they finally figured it out.  


PS  I don't see one hair on your leg.

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Re: My Earth shoes just arrived!



I'm a natural redhead and the hair don't show up if I use the right lighting. It was worth a shot.  It's not Earth's fault my feet are bony :-)


There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: My Earth shoes just arrived!

Do you ladies think you can wear these shoes with dresses or skirts?  Or will that look wrong/stupid?

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Re: My Earth shoes just arrived!

I think the best look is with rolled up jeans, but I absolutely think you can wear them with dresses and skirts.

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Re: My Earth shoes just arrived!

Wow, @Bird mama, I sure hope mine don't have that much 'space' between top of my foot and the shoe, if so, mine will go back too. Thanks for such a great review.
@staceyj, I also think you can wear these with dresses/skirts, on the more casual end. I also agree with @faeriemoon in that the best look is jeans, rolled or not.
"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: My Earth shoes just arrived!



Welcome to the Community.  I think you could wear them with a skirt or dress.  They will probably show the TSV styled different ways on Friday, the TSV day.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: My Earth shoes just arrived!

@Bird mama


I'm sobbing...


I was so excited to get home and read your review.  And now I'm boo-hooing.  So sorry the shabooties didn't work for you.  


Crossing my fingers and toes that my pretty standard feetsies will fit these. Thanks for the excellent explanation and pics.  Yup.  That's a gap.