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I was excited to watch the new Koolaburra by UGG show but the vendor literally giggled and laughed through every single presentation.  Not a nervous laugh, just an obnoxious over the top giddiness.  This brand needs a more serious ambassador, this one drove me away.

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@TuesdayTaylor wrote:

I was excited to watch the new Koolaburra by UGG show but the vendor literally giggled and laughed through every single presentation.  Not a nervous laugh, just an obnoxious over the top giddiness.  This brand needs a more serious ambassador, this one drove me away.

I just said to my husband "I don't think I can watch this an entire hour ... her laugh is driving me nuts." 

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I'm waiting to order until I can read reviews.  My problem with UGG's us the fact that the foot bed is flat, no support at all.  If these have arch support, etc., I will give them a try. 

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I agree Smiley Sad had to mute  was annoying Smiley Sad

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Turned it off, the incessant giggling was not worth the annoyance.  Will not watch this brand when it has 1-hr shows. I'll look at the offerings online.....

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With all the negative campaign ads lately, I'll take the giggling.

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I didn't see the show, only watched a couple of the videos and I couldn't even watch all of those.  I can't stand it, when they refer to any inanimate object as if it were a person.


"She", she is not.  These are shoes, not a person.  Just say "they".  I really hate this affectation.  Oddly enough, I didn't notice too much of the giggling; probably because the constant "she" and "her" grated on my ears.

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@this is my nic  I bought two pairs of Uggs on sale last year.  Both of them have arch support inside.  They may look flat but they are not.  Uggs are on sale @ Nordstrom now.

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@TuesdayTaylor wrote:

I was excited to watch the new Koolaburra by UGG show but the vendor literally giggled and laughed through every single presentation.  Not a nervous laugh, just an obnoxious over the top giddiness.  This brand needs a more serious ambassador, this one drove me away.

That giggle was driving me insane! Turned it off. I also hate referring to items as “she”. Just... don’t do that. 

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Sounds like nervousness to me.