Occasional Contributor
Posts: 17
Registered: ‎10-25-2010

Found D&B at TJ Maxx - question

Hi all and I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!!

I was at TJ Maxx and saw this bag:

I don't know much about the bag since it's not a current style. Is it the Dillen II leather? I'm kinda doubting it'll be there when I am able to go back this weekend, but since there's so many upcoming deals I just couldn't buy it then lol. I know they'll be getting in a lot more with Christmas coming, they were emptying out 2 huge boxes of purses when I left. There were many Dooney and Michael Kors. You may want to check out your local TJ Maxx, they must get a huge shipment in right before black friday. Anyways, if there's anything you can tell me about this bag I'd really appreciate it. I just need to be sure before I buy my first Dooney and I'm leaning towards my first Dooney being a Flo, but dang some of the deals out there and I'm like ahhhhh what to do what to do....

Thank you!