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new recipes turned out great------

I have to say that the few new recipes I tried all turned out great!! Usually I don't do that for a holiday meal, just in case they are a bomb--

This year I fixed a turkey roulade, a new sweet potatoe casserole, a new stuffing recipe, and a frozen dessert. My fave has to be the stuffing---insted of big chunks of bread, I used my vitamix to break them down into almost Panko size crumbs to put in the turkey roll. I was such a hit with my fam. Then I fixed an incredible turkey soup last night and used the small amount of the stuffing to thicken it and add more flavor--OMG!!!!! Had enough leftovers to make 3 plates for the freezer too. Was very successful for us 3 in my bubble!!!


How about any of you?

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: new recipes turned out great------

I prepared a pumpkin cobbler from that I would make again with a few alterations.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: new recipes turned out great------

[ Edited ]

@wagirl wrote:

I have to say that the few new recipes I tried all turned out great!! Usually I don't do that for a holiday meal, just in case they are a bomb--

This year I fixed a turkey roulade, a new sweet potatoe casserole, a new stuffing recipe, and a frozen dessert. My fave has to be the stuffing---insted of big chunks of bread, I used my vitamix to break them down into almost Panko size crumbs to put in the turkey roll. I was such a hit with my fam. Then I fixed an incredible turkey soup last night and used the small amount of the stuffing to thicken it and add more flavor--OMG!!!!! Had enough leftovers to make 3 plates for the freezer too. Was very successful for us 3 in my bubble!!!


How about any of you?


I love the idea of adding leftover stuffing to your soup as both a thickener and flavor enhancer! 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 15,391
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: new recipes turned out great------

@vabreeze ---I know-----had a tiny amount left and it had such nice flavor and texture--I figured, why not? 

Super Contributor
Posts: 364
Registered: ‎12-26-2011

Re: new recipes turned out great------

When I make broth the next day to freeze I search for every bit of dressing left in the pan or attached to a piece of skin or a bit of meat.  It adds a wonderful richness to the broth.


However since the dressing is my favorite leftover I'm pretty careful about getting the bulk of it into a covered dish, but not one speck of it is wasted.

Super Contributor
Posts: 364
Registered: ‎12-26-2011

Re: new recipes turned out great------

I read on these very forums last year that thickening flour with butter, instead of water, would yield more gravy assuming you had broth on hand to add.  I always have broth in the freezer and I never have been able to make enough gravy with just the drippings in the turkey pan..


So I tried that this year.  Mixed flour into butter as if making a white sauce.  Poured in turkey drippings and mixed well.  Added broth, stirred til boiling.  Wow, lots more gravy and oh so rich.  I'll never go back.