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Re: if your out to dinner and your food is not to your liking do you send it back??

I will object to a hamburger that's uncooked in the middle. I always order them well-done and don't want to risk getting sick from one.

I guess if the order was filled incorrectly (a different dish than was ordered), that would be worth mentioning.

Otherwise, I eat what's served. If the food is very disappointing, we just wouldn't return to the restaurant.

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Re: if your out to dinner and your food is not to your liking do you send it back??

Yes I would send it back but I wouldn't get nasty about it. And if the problem wasn't solved then I would ask to see the manager and have the bill adjusted. I have heard horror stories of what happens to diners food when they are nasty---gross and disgusting. I don't go out to dinner much anymore because of that. I wouldn't go back to that restaurant and would also post my experiences on the various social networks to warn others.

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Re: if your out to dinner and your food is not to your liking do you send it back??

NOT a good idea. My one brother was a cook in the Navy and remained a cook the rest of his life (he likes to say "chef"). From what he's told me about the probably hundreds of kitchens he has worked in, NEVER complain about the food unless you don't want it back. He has done things himself and I told him that is disgusting.

Formerly Ford1224
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Re: if your out to dinner and your food is not to your liking do you send it back??

I don't eat out very much but when I do I send it back if the steak or burger is raw and not well-done. That is why Ruth's Chris is one of the few places I will order a steak; they cook beautiful, thick filets that are cooked perfectly. I did send back the quarter-pounder DH ordered from takeout because it had everything but the meat!

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Re: if your out to dinner and your food is not to your liking do you send it back??

I'm sorry, but some of these stories are doubtful. I've worked with A LOT of chefs, and a lot of cooks, and in all my years of restaurant work, I never once saw, or knew of anyone who'd mess w/ someone's returned food. And since when is a visitor allowed to be in a restaurant kitchen during "a very busy lunch time"?

Sure, some pompous chefs or pretentious cooks who considered themselves artistes were real jerks and refused to alter a dish to a customer's liking, but even they would never do anything to someone's returned food. I really shouldn't open these threads, because I tend to take it personally when I hear stuff like that.

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Re: if your out to dinner and your food is not to your liking do you send it back??

No; it would have to be really bad for me to send it back.

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Re: if your out to dinner and your food is not to your liking do you send it back??

On 7/16/2014 FunkyHulaGirl said:

Absolutely! I'm not made of money, and when I go out to eat it's the restaurant's job to provide me with a satisfactory meal. If something is wrong, I let the waitress know it, and if things aren't made right I not only won't go back, I'll leave negative reviews on Yelp and Urban Spoon.

I realize everyone has a bad day, and everyone makes mistakes, but I would imagine a restaurant owner would rather be made aware of a problem so he can rectify it, rather than just lose a customer as well as get bad reviews.

ITA, most restaurant owners / managers appreciate feedback positive OR negative. Even though no one likes bad news, it's the only way they can fix the problem. Ironically, the majority of people never complain. They just leave and never come back. Later on the owner see's his revenue decline.

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Re: if your out to dinner and your food is not to your liking do you send it back??

Sorry Sabatini2 but knowledge is power and I travel the globe and vacationed abroad for over 50 years and have seen alot when it comes to the food, and food service industry.
Unfortunately these disgusting occurrences do happen and if anyone really worked in the food industry they would know they do...perhaps not where they worked if they were fortunate to be employed by a restaurant which really does practice very safe food habits.... but they happen daily and more often in various establishments around the globe.
Many people own restaurants and their kids always come into the kitchen for one reason or another....that is nothing new....perhaps a bad habit to allow it....... but it does happen.
Also below are a bunch of links which state the same as far as tainted foods, food handling and lack of food safety, and eating at your own risk.....and NBC dateline has an under cover investigation video below regarding dirty dining:
Sabatini2 I am sorry you are not better informed and I guess you also never watched the 20/20 report under cover at various restaurants throughout the U.S. as the other newsworthy media reporters who went under cover, and uncovered disgusting food violations which also caused some people their lives.
Eating out is a gamble, so is buying items to cook at home.....Best to be totally aware and try and safeguard oneself.....As for your taking it personally Sabatini2..... don't.
Not everyone practices good safe eating habits in all restaurants....Unfortunately such is life, and that is why we have these televised undercover assignments to uncover bad tainted restaurant habits, and food inspectors doing food inspections.
Since I can never say never I would never doubt anything posted on that thread since I know and have seen what really goes on behind closed kitchen doors, and in general from what I have observed outside of the kitchen but within various restaurants.
Like I said knowledge is power, so live and learn. Another lesson well learned is to never eat off of a mobile food truck, or street type vendors food cart. Best to eat at a restaurant which has an address and has food inspection certificate posted in clear view along with the food license.
No need to reply Sabatini2....the links I supplied speak the truth, as does my personal reply within this thread. No one is ever too old to live and learn.
On 7/18/2014 Sabatini2 said:

I'm sorry, but some of these stories are doubtful. I've worked with A LOT of chefs, and a lot of cooks, and in all my years of restaurant work, I never once saw, or knew of anyone who'd mess w/ someone's returned food. And since when is a visitor allowed to be in a restaurant kitchen during "a very busy lunch time"?

Sure, some pompous chefs or pretentious cooks who considered themselves artistes were real jerks and refused to alter a dish to a customer's liking, but even they would never do anything to someone's returned food. I really shouldn't open these threads, because I tend to take it personally when I hear stuff like that.

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Registered: ‎11-13-2010

Re: if your out to dinner and your food is not to your liking do you send it back??

Sorry, adore, but having worked in that industry for 20 years, I consider myself very informed, & though I'm aware that aberrations do occur, I still find certain stories questionable, if not outright fabrications.

edited by me

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Re: if your out to dinner and your food is not to your liking do you send it back??

I've been disappointed in a meal but have never returned anything or asked for a refund. I do recall DH returning a too rare steak to the kitchen, and my sister once got scallops that actually had ice in them so they had to be taken back to the kitchen. It didn't seem to cause any kind of uproar.