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use as a binder- i cook up 3 boxes of jiffy corn muffin mix, and cook 3 cans of biscuit, crumb them up, cook up about 2 onions and 5 stalks of celery, i use the necks and other portions of the turkey to make a broth. I add an egg and broth until moist to the cornbread,biscuit, onion, and celery mixture. salt and pepper and then bake in patties. The patties are great on leftover turkey sandwiches or to put turkey hash over.   Maybe the egg isn't needed cause the broth does make moist. I will have to try it w/o and with the egg to see if there's a difference and if there is, what. 


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I had a friend who was Hungarian and she said raw eggs in stuffing were traditional Hungarian fare.


Very heavy and dense. Flavored with broth or stock.


One Hungarian recipe I found online mimicks hers with only bread, 6-7 eggs, water and only celery and onion.

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Eggs - sure do include in our stuffing!  Yum, yum!!

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Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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