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Registered: ‎03-27-2010

@SandPiper  Truth.  I've always believed if people saw the horror of how our animals were treated, they would not ever choose to eat them.  I think of Paul McCartney saying and producing "If Slaughterhouses had Glass Walls"....just so sad and horrific it is gut wrenching.


 I had been vegetarian for years, but after I began to educate and force myself to the watch the violence in the films I could no longer eat any dairy products (live baby chicks being fed into grinders).  People just don't know.  I now live a vegan lifestyle and every time I see a beautiful leather bag or shoe, I see the violence behind it.  Once you have seen the films, those visuals never leave.  When I go in a grocery store and pass the meat department, I close my eyes for a few seconds, say a prayer to the animals letting them know that their pain and suffering was heard.


The good news is the truth is now available and can no longer be hidden.  And eventually our precious animals will not have to suffer because economically the costs will be unsustainable.  More people are waking up, and more vegan alternatives are available.   Eating plant based has become delicious as well as life affirming, with research and credible doctors promoting this way of life.  


Much love to you, kind and compassionate sister.  We can forgive ourselves for what we didn't know.  Now we are awake and choose kindness.