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What would you cook for a friend after surgery?

My very best closest friend is recovering from surgery.  Shes coming home today.  We always have beautiful, quiet dinners at my house.  Now, I'd like to bring a nice dinner to her and her hubby, who's the caretaker for now.  She has soup, so, I'd like some other ideas on what's soothing, yet satisfying for both of them.   Maybe something for two days he can re-heat.   I'm kinda thinking chicken Francese. .it's mild, yet satisfying. .for a dessert, I already told her pineapple is great for healing.   Anything else I can make her for dessert.    I know, she may not feel like eating...but since she's gotta know...     appreciate any help!!

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Re: What would you cook for a friend after surgery?

She probably has some dietary restrictions following
hospitalization, surgery, and possible new medications.
Your heart's in the right place, but there's nothing like being presented with food you can't eat.

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Re: What would you cook for a friend after surgery?

@Dazlin bless you for helping your friend in need!  I just got this recipe a day or two ago and saved it as it would be easy to prepare but would also be good reheated.  Maybe your friend and her DH would enjoy it too:

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Re: What would you cook for a friend after surgery?

[ Edited ]

With my friends and family ... I'd get takeout from (1) Boston Market, or (2) a local Italian restaurant that we all love, or (3) Chinese takeout ... enough so that there's plenty of leftovers.


ETA:  When I had surgery (home to recover with arm in brace) - one of my friends arranged for a local restaurant to deliver dinner everyday until I  got the brace off.





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Re: What would you cook for a friend after surgery?

Homemade chicken noodle soup.

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Re: What would you cook for a friend after surgery?

I would make a nice chicken pot pie.  


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Re: What would you cook for a friend after surgery?

I would prefer meatloaf or a pot roast.  

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Re: What would you cook for a friend after surgery?

The answer here greatly depends on a few factors - first and foremost , what kind of surgery? Certainly someone who had a knee replaced would be faring differently than a post op gall bladder or colon resection.

How does she feel. Often people taking pain meds become constipated and need to eat a lot of fiber. Or sometimes people are nauseous after surgery.

dietary restrictions? She may have been sent home on a soft diet or some other special need.


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Re: What would you cook for a friend after surgery?

We definitely need to know more about her surgery and medication and/or dietary restrictions right now.


If she has no restrictions, I'd say bring two meals, one with a comfort food you know they both like and will eat, and then something very healthy, even if it is a large fruit basket and a big tray of veggies already cleaned and prepared. 


Comfort food when recovering is usually craved, but they need good healthy whole foods for the body to heal as well.


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What would you cook for a friend after surgery?

It really depends on the type of surgery a hip replacement as opposed to a heart bypass, do they have any restrictions, as questions before you go a head and make an elaborate meal that might not be able to be eaten

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.