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What's your main dish this year?

I know there are previous threads from prior years on this subject, but we are in the here and now of 2017. So let's celebrate it and share! What are you serving as your main dish this Holiday? I always do turkey for Thanksgiving, and then waffle around here and there for Christmas meat. I'm leaning towards just getting a Honey Baked Ham this year cause it's easy and me, anyway. Last year I did a small prime rib and it was okay. Nothing to write home about. Years ago I would commonly do a crown roast pork but I'm just not into that anymore. I still cook enough for an army, but sadly now it's just me and my hubby. But we can eat leftovers till the cows come home.....and do!!!!!


Would love to hear what you are serving your dear family and friends this year. Happy Holidays to ALL of you!!!        

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Re: What's your main dish this year?

My husband and I usually go to my sister's house and we may have a ham or roast beef. Since our parents are gone and the family is small, we decided to have non traditional meals. It works for us.

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Re: What's your main dish this year?

Not sure about this year, but past years it's been ham.

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Re: What's your main dish this year?

You've got me thinking.  I made beef stroganoff for Thanksgiving.


I think I will make a quiche for Christmas, with a side green salad.


I'll be interested in what y'all are doing.  I like ideas!

Cogito ergo sum
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Re: What's your main dish this year?

I am going to try a small primr rib with twice baked potatoes and salad. Sometimes I make lasagna

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Re: What's your main dish this year?

Christmas tradition is "Roast Beast" with roasted potatoes, carrots, onions, and pop overs. Grinch fans will recognize the Who dinner.

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Re: What's your main dish this year?

Between lunches and dinners, of which I have had attended 12, eaten enough ham and turkey for several people, and have 3 more activities with accompanying Christmas meals before our official Christmas dinner.  So, just today, my #3 and I decided to do something totally different this year.  The rest of the family is, like me for the most part, tired of ham and turkey before Christmas so all were in agreement and took their assignments.


Menu:  Fried chicken, deviled eggs, green beans, potato salad, pineapple casserole, turnips, mac and cheese, cornbread, veggie tray, fruit tray, cheese balls, crackers/cream cheese with pepper jelly, cheese/sausage balls, bacon-wrapped dates stuffed with walnuts and cream cheese, stuffed mushrooms, petit desserts made with phyllo cups, an assortment of brandy balls, orange balls, Martha Washington and other candies, plus a torte layer chocolate cake.


Of course, we begin eating the night before as all begin arriving and all leave late when you can see their tail lights in the cool night air.  Although the main meal will take place around noon, visitation, package exchange, eating and laughter will go on.    


We sing carols, particularly the ones the children enjoy and can participate.  One is a professional and plays the piano well. Some (me) sing terribly; it's about fellowship.


There will be enough sweets to kill every diabetic in Georgia. 


We have  done different things in the past, including prime rib, beef tenderloin, Italian dish buffet (everybody preparing Italian dishes), another year we had Chinese catered, one year a Mexican friend helped with a Mexican smorgasbord, everything from tamales to sopapia.  


It's about the reason!

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Re: What's your main dish this year?

Prime rib for main dish with a jus and horseradish cream of course.


Yorkshire puddings

Cranberry-Apple mold

Mom’s red jello salad 

Roasted tri-color fingerling potatoes with bacon and parsley

Cape cod salad


Creme brûlée 

Mini blackberry pies



We do our dinner on Christmas Eve.



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Re: What's your main dish this year?

Something out of the freezer...........Probably Mexican or Italian

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Registered: ‎05-23-2015

Re: What's your main dish this year?

Quiche Lorraine for Christmas Eve, and smoked turkey breast for Christmas Day. We aren't crazy about beef and most hams are too big, and you eat them forever.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan