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What would I serve with wassail?  Muffins, pastries, cookies?  Don't like scones.

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Cookies work well. When I was in high school, a friend of mine had an annual Christmas cookie exchange. We would all bake cookies to bring to the party and each platter would be set out on a table like a buffet. We would all fill a container with cookies from the other guests.


We all went out caroling, then came back to have wassail and some cookies before packing the rest up to take home.

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A former co-worker's wassail recipe:


3 cinnamon sticks

10 whole cloves

10 whole peppercorns

1 tsp allspice berries

2 bottles Cabernet Sauvignon

4 strips orange zest without pith

1/2 cup plus 2 tbsp sugar

3 tbsp brandy


Toast cinnamon, cloves, peppercorns, and allspice in medium saucepan over medium-high heat for 2 minutes.  Add wine, orange zest, and 1/2 cup sugar, cover partially,  and bring to simmer.  Stir often to dissolve sugar.  Simmer over low heat for 1 hour.


Strain through fine-mesh strainer and return liquid to saucepan.  Stir brandy and 2 tbsp sugar into wine.  Serve warm. 



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Registered: ‎03-10-2010



Thanks for the recipe.  I'm going to use a recipe my former pastor passed along to me almost 20 years ago.  Absolutely delicious.

If your face brightens when you meet a friend, you have struck gold. - unknown
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Christmas cookies, maybe fruit cake.