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I plan on making veggie lasagna for a family gathering,but I'd like to make it ahead of time.  Should I bake it,then refrigerate it?  Should I freeze it and then defrost and bake?  I think freezing,defrosting, and then baking might make the lasagna watery. Any hints appreciated.  Thanks!

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Can you make it a day ahead and just refrigerate it.  Then just rewarm the next day.  It probably would be perfect.

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I have frozen baked lasagna.  It was never watery from defrosting.  I have a Food Saver which seals air tight. 

Assuming if you freeze air tight in an air tight container, your lasagna should not be watery after defrosting.


Frozen water crystals from a non-air tight container makes foods watery when defrosting as far as I can tell.





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Make it one day,bake it the next and then reheat in a day or two

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Re: Veggie lasagna question

[ Edited ]

I would go with hopi's suggestion of make day ahead, refrigerate and then bake next day...or bake when made and reheat.  I fix casseroles one day and bake next.  But, that said, I just saw a Pioneer Woman show this week where she made Veggie Lasagna Roll-Ups to freeze.  She covered the unbaked pans tightly with heavy foil and then freeze up to 4 months.  She gave instructions on baking frozen or thaw in refrigerator and then bake. 

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I would freeze it unbaked,  or make it a day or two ahead and then bake it when needed.  


I would bake it frozen 

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Thanks,everyone.  I'm going with the make ahead and freeze per the Pioneer Woman's method.  It is her recipe and most of her stuff turns out well. Appreciated everyone's input!

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have made veg lasagna ahead many time. I make it cover it with plastic wrap and them foil. Freeze. Defrost it 2 days before you are baking it. Then bake .. it doesn't come out watery if well wrapped. To bake it twice will dry it out