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Good morning~


Wow walker, you really had a day going to the doctor's office.  Love the "Elephant"  a.k.a Trucks😂  Waiting a half hour when you are expected on time, but the doc can be late!!  Glad you were treated like the Queen you are by the delightful young lady.  Saved the day!  Very interesting about your son being a Police officer.  As you said not many know or appreciate them as they should.  What happened to respect for our Police???  


Tootie - thank you for bringing up time changes.  I had forgotten about that.  I am not a fan but I guess we will continue to be annoyed by it. Hope your weather warms up.  Ours did - we will be 79 today - a lot warmer than yesterday.  


Shout out to our Queen Bee and the Canine Cuties ~ 🌺👋


Passing the coffee ~


G - Guacamole    or..... Great Friends here!

H next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good morning friends ... cookie, enjoy your 79 degree day ... we'll get there eventually but today we'll have a mild 42 degree day ... our days are getting lighter earlier now and staying lighter longer ... Spring is on the way 🌻🌹🌺


walker, glad you had a good visit at the doctors ... I'm sure your anxiety was a bit high due to your driving with the elephants 🐘, trying to find the place and then your long wait ... but glad that you were able to get it down ... next time won't be so bad 😁


Shout out to kittyfan ... 👋 hope you are doing well.


Grocery store today ... kids day tomorrow and boy can they eat! Have a good day ... pouring and passing ... love the G, cookie 💚


H ~ Horseradish




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Good Morning Friends!  ☕️🌤️🌷


Happy Tuesday!  You are right, Tootie, Spring is in the air!

Unbelievable weather for February.  👏👏☀️🌷 Maybe we should get the grills out, Tootie. 😆


Good G, cookie...👍 to both.  Enjoy your nice weather there....longhorns will too.  And, yes also...what happened to respect for police ....respect period!  Sad state of affairs in the country....Me Society...No to Respect...🙁.


Already received my test results from lab work yesterday.

Doctor said "look perfect" 👏👏.  I am to do blood work again in August....fasting one that time...complete with cholesterol, etc.  So, happy about that news.  Now I just have to work on losing a few pounds.  I had to laugh....when checked in by nurse she asked for approximate height and chance to say anything!!!   But, I was honest...🥴.


Adios for now.....I'll be looking for you at store again, Tootie...haha.  I'm heading there too...I think.


👋👋 kittyfan.......and...have a nice day everyone.


I .... Iodized Salt


NEXT .... J 








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Posts: 4,064
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Good afternoon


Sat down at computer yesterday to post  Brother called,  He and his DW both have juryduty summons    Wait and wAIT SOME MORE    Interesting both called same day.


They are removing dead trees around  sadly I think the tree outside my patio will be removed;  I know it is a safety isue,


Walkr:  I have white coat syndrome so I understand  


They are telling us we will have temps i the 80s this week  crazy weather.


I was saddened to hear of loss of first responders  a difficult and dangerous duy  Hard on family memebers  


J:  jelly donuts


K:  next



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Posts: 5,207
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Good morning ~


How nice to see you kittyfan. Missing your escapades with some wacky people😃  Your book must weigh 25 pounds by now!  Hope the tree removal wasn't the only one - trees are great for patios,shade and UB's. I feel for your brother and his wife - jury duty - ugh!🙁 You are so right - wait, wait, and more waiting.  


Glad you received perfect results on your lab test.  Laughing at the "approximate" height and weight😄  I just tell them that I too short for my weight.  I should be 6 feet tall😂 


Tootie, enjoy your day with the kiddos.  Hope they don't eat you out of house and home😋 kids do eat a lot!  


Another DVS day - ho hum....zzzzzz. We will be 80  today - very warm - yesterday.  Hope we don't skip Spring - it is such pretty time. News Flash- today is Wednesday!! I am so proud of myself😁!!!  


Have a good day - passing the coffee ~


J - Jalapeno Jelly

K - next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Good morning friends ... ABC POLICE 🚓 cookie, the next letter should have been K ... and since you are so proud of remembering what day it is, you'll get off with a warning 😂


cookie, your so right! it is Wednesday!! ... I love your "I'm too short for my height" 😂😂 I literally laughed out loud for that one 😁 ... I hope you're able to sit outside today and enjoy some UB's ...


kittyfan, you may have a noisy day if they cut the tree down by your patio ... I don't like to see trees cut down but I wish they would cut down the one in front of our house (town property) because it has caused us $$$ due to the roots breaking the sewer pipes (and the town won't take responsibility 😡) ... wow, DB and his wife both getting Jury Duty?? ugh!! if they would only make it easier and quicker people wouldn't mind ...


walker, glad to hear that your lab work was "perfect" and I laughed at your thought of "saying anything" when asked what your height/weight was 😂 ...


The kids are not coming over today ... LG was sick all night and they want to keep both kids home ... he had his regular check up yesterday and got a shot ... DIL is not sure if he had a reaction to that or not ... so, no running for me today!


Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


K ~ K-Cups


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Good Morning Friends!  ☕️🌤️


Happy Wednesday!  You got it, cookie! 👍 But, oops...missed a letter!  Nothing gets past our ABC Police!😂  It's a good day....starting with friends and laughter!


I slept in, no time for babbling....DH and I have appointment to get our TSA Precheck.  Don't want to wait in lines at airport when I fly anywhere.  

Anyway, I'll come back this afternoon.  Tootie, sorry LG is sick.  Oh dear...hope he doesn't take after you having reactions after shots.  

Bye for now...


L ..... Lemons


NEXT ..... M 

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Good morning


Another spring like day for us.  Talked with brother last night.  When he finishe s jury duty will be back in town  He has some things to help me with.  Church duties to take care of.  Busy busy fella.


Yesterday when PT was here was telling me about her daughters school project.  She asked Alexa for ifo.  Alexa is in the bedroom  We were in living room  So Alexa gives us information on Pocahontas  Quite funny.    Actually a bit creepy.  Brother said his GS will spell a word and get her to pronounce.  He said he had to limithis devices.


I heard on the SO grapevine that the bingo group had nultiple Covid cases  .  Up close and personal.  I dont do bingo and have been limiting contact.    One lady who a out with Covid was at lunch  I had stopped to check for meds that had been delivered  She was rushing back to bingo.  I think I would have waited this one out.




Tootie:  hope LG bounces back quickly.  


Walker:  hate lines  


M:  mustard


N:  next

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Posts: 10,260
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good Afternoon Friends!  😁


I'm home and then took for grocery store so UB time now.  We got through the TSA Precheck...Precheck...HA!  We filled out application online and the had to drive to precheck place.  Had appointment but nothing runs on time anymore.  Lady who took care of us would not win a Miss Congeniality Award!  Gosh...we had a morning appointment too ....good luck to those later in day.  Maybe she didn't feel good as she coughed some which made me nervous!! Oh well...we got it done.  They email your approved number and then you use it when you make airline reservations.  No more going through line, take off shoes, etc, etc.  However, I think so many people are doing TSA Precheck now that the line to walk through might be long as well.  We don't travel often so no big deal.  But, two trips we would like to take are California to visit DH's brother and Alaska.  In April, DD and I are flying to NC for another beach weekend with our friends there.  DD said "mom, get the TSA Precheck!"  Last time she had to go through the longer line process with me....ha.  


kittyfan, I think Alexa is creepy not have one but kids do.  And, how unusual that brother and wife have both been called up for jury duty.  Stay well and pups! 😉


Tootie, hope LG is better and no one else gets sick.


Weather here today is 60!!  Can you believe it?  February?



👋👋 to outside UB for you with longhorns?


See you tomorrow.  

N ...... Nutella


NEXT ....O


‼️‼️⬆️....Gremlin Glitch above...😠

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Posts: 5,207
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Good mornng ~


walker, you went through some misery getting your PreCheck.  Isn't that supposed to make things easier and carefree???  Maybe Miss Congeniality was in charge?  Anyway, glad you were finally able to get it.  Hope it works well.  Another vote for not loving Alexa or Siri or any other device like them.  Everything is so technical.   


kittyfan, funny about Alexa and Pocahontas. Sorry about the Bingo group at SO with COVID. I wonder if the lunch lady realized that she ws spreading germs when rushing back to Bingo?  


Tootie, thanks for forgiving the letter mistake.  I must have been under a huge rock!😣😄 Hope LG is better.  Hope no one else gets sick. Stay well. 


We will be enjoying much warmer temps today - 85🌞🌞 - warmer than I would llike but better than snow.  I may even go outside to enjoy the Longhorns. They were not around too much yesterday. Getting back under my rock.


Have a good day - passing the coffee ~


O - Olive Oil

P - next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.