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Good Morning Friends!  ☕️🥶


Happy Saturday!  A cold Saturday too....after a month of temperatures above 40, yesterday, today...tomorrow too....30's..8 degrees out right now.  I knew I was getting too used to the balmy February.  But, next week warm again! 👍


I had a couple good laughs here cookie and Tootie....the thought of a grapefruit crown...😂....and buying $25 worth of grapefruit...😂.  I will have to think about how I use the gift card.


Glad you enjoyed the fish fry dinner, Tootie.  At least, for the price, it was worth it and money goes to good cause.

Too bad about the corruption in your diocese there.  They have closed schools and churches here too mainly in the downtown area.  But, there was one not far from us about to close.  Diocese said it would close unless they could raise $400,000!   A high school student, and former student at the church school, took it upon herself to start a campaign and raise the money.  She did it!  School stays open!  👏

cookie, from paper organizing to shoe organizing now!  Be careful of all the bending over and up, Tootie said we don't want you part of the pile.  I am a shoe-aholic and need to reorganize mine.


kittyfan, what a nice surprise for pink wallet...perfect timing from for Valentine's Day/month.  He deserves a crown,eh?


Well....babbling away as easy with good friends.

But, all for now.......enjoy your day!  See you later.


W .... Waffles for breakfast! 😋 (and grapefruit..😆)


NEXT .... X 





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Good morning ~


walker, I aso laughed at $25.00 worth of Grapefruits.  Just think, Tootie, could make some marvelous Mimosas with all the juice😂😂 What a wonderful young lady to start a campaign to raise $$$ for the school.✨✨

Hope you are warming up - 30??!! We will make it to 48 but more like 35.  Crazy weather.  We will weather the weather whether we like it or not.♛M


Tootie - glad you enjoyed the Fish Fry.  Sounds like some good eating!  Sorry to hear about the corruption with your Diocese.  So sad that it is all about $$$  Times sure have changed.  If walker uses her gift card for Grapefruit, maybe you can come up with TX Grapefruit Marvelous Mimosas????


Shout out to kittyfan🌺 ~


X - X'tra Mimosas - Grapeffruit?

Y - next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Good morning friends ... hahaha cookie, what a great idea about making Mimosas with walkers grapefruits ... 🥂😵 worries be gone!!


walker, that was a great feat that the high schooler accomplished ... good for her!


Shout out to kittyfan ... 👋


We'll have snowy, windy and cold day ... high of 32 ... the winds were whipping all night long ...


Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


Y ~ Yes, grapefruit Mimosas ... the more the merrier!!




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Good Morning Friends!  ☕️🌤️


Happy Sunday!  Hope it is a good one for and dry here...I'll take it.  Do I have a choice?? HAHA!  Snowy, windy and cold for Tootie....hope it passes quickly.  We had winds yesterday too.


Great idea, cookie.....grapefruit mimosas....we need to open a Mimosa Bar.....or did we think of a Mimosa Bar on wheels?  HA...danger there...Cousin Eddie could be designated driver! 🤣


No babble....😁.....👋👋 to kittyfan and I'll see you later.


Z ..... Zucchini


NEXT .... A 



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Hello friends ... had a ho-hum kind of day ... didn't do anything earth shattering ... it was snowy and windy all day long ... and depending on how the wind blew the snow, you either had some on your sidewalk or you didn't ... the people across the street had their porch steps covered in snow and had to shovel and our porch was right down to the cement ...


Have a good night ... see you tomorrow.


A ~ Apple Pie


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Good moring ~


I guess the snow won Tootie.  Wind too.  Cold weather up there.  We actually had a Spring like day yesterday and will again today - 68 abundant sunshine and breezes.  Can't complain about that😊🌞 Hope you get  warmer  today.  


I also had a ho hum day at DVS.  Got some more paperwork done - quickly - and enjoyed a looooong UB.  (Your best invention Tootie)  Enjoyed the Canine Choir in the afternoon - woke me out of a UB/Nap! Seven and Scooby havebarks that can be heard in NY!!! 


Love the Mimosa Bar on Wheels walker!  However permits and all the taxes would probably kill that if Cousin Eddie's driving doesn't  Haven't seen hide nor hair of him and the rose bouquets🥀 are joining the weeds and hay in the back 40.  Wonder how he is doing??


Shout out to kittyfan and ~☕🌺


Have a great day and stay warm - Passing the coffee ~


B - Banana Bread

C - next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Good morning friends ... cookie, enjoy your Spring like day ... we have about another 30 days of winter ... we are at 14 degrees now but supposedly should have a 32 degree day with sun!! yay!!


Shout out to walker and kittyfan ... 👋👋


So sad about the two young policemen and paramedic that were killed in Minnesota yesterday ... shot by a guy that had barricaded himself and his family in their house and shot at police when they arrived!


Have a good day ... pouring and passing ... oh, we change the clocks in a couple of weeks ...


C ~ Cabbage Salad




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Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good Morning Friends ☕️🇺🇸


Happy Monday!  Crazy Lady Day here!  😂  Actually, President's Day...if anyone school.


Cold, foggy and frosty outside here.  I think we are at 20 but going to about 40 today.  Just hope fog clears before I have to leave later this morning for doctor's appointment.  First visit with doctor in new office...hope I find it ok...and my BP isn't sky high when I arrive ..... travel, traffic, white-coat syndrome, etc.  Oh well...Que sera, sera.


I had to chuckle about "Ho-Hum" day yesterday for cookie and Tootie.  Ho-Hum weekend here too.  "Canine Choir" was funny too, cookie.  Not so funny, Tootie's weather with wind and snow.....winter not over...and another time change?  I thought (hoped) we were done with that!  

God love and protect our men and women in blue!👮‍♂️👮  Story you mentioned Tootie so tragic.  We hear too many of those stories!  Depressing about madness and hatred out there.  I could go on and on.....son here is a FORMER police officer....something he always wanted to be since a kid.  He was a good one too and did very well.    Long story short....a few years ago he decided to get out...thank God!  He transitioned out to a very good job..less stress and worry...for all of us.  Every officer out there should be thanked for doing their job to help and protect us! 


Babbling will move along.....hope you have a nice day!  👋👋 kittyfan.


D .... Doughnuts (for police 😁)


NEXT .... E 



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Oh wow walker! your son being a Police Officer must have been very stressful for everyone ... it sounds like he was able to move on successfully and happy ... the way that the police are not appreciated or not wanted (not by all people) is scary and they have a tough and dangerous job, especially these days!! ... good luck finding and at your appointment today ... hopefully your BP will be just fine 🤞 ... but I know the feeling ...


I remember there was talk of not having to set the clocks back/forward but don't know what ever happened to that thought ... 🤷‍♀️ I guess they just want to annoy us!!


See you later ...


E ~ Eggplant


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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

I made it.....there and back....had to take highway to new location....yikes...TRUCKS!!!  Mama Mia....heavier traffic than I expected in mid-morning but I blew past the "elephants" aka trucks...haha.  Found doctor's office right off highway...easy location and good day for drive.  Checked in a half hour early only to be told my doctor was running a half hour late with appointments.  🙄 I should not have been surprised as she always takes her time with patients....good when you are with her but waiting...ugh.  So, I waited an hour!!  Then the most delightful young lady took me nice.....felt relaxed....HA...NOPE...blood pressure VERY HIGH.  It is the whole anxiety thing!!  Doctor visit good...she ordered one blood test that I was able to do there.  She checked my BP before I left and it was MUCH better....whew!  I go back in 6 months.  At least I know where to go next time and don't have to worry about winter weather in August!  

Tootie, it was very stressful having my DS be a police officer but I knew he was doing what he wanted to do.  I worried whenever he was on duty. Very tough for DIL too. He had many different responsibilities which added to his stress....called on for major crimes, detective work, etc. He became a police officer right out of college so was with them 20+ years before "retiring".  Most people don't have a clue what officers have to deal with...especially public today.  Unfortunately, some cops aren't good and give police a bad name.  I am very happy he found a good job away from the dangers of police work.  God Bless those out there now.


All for now....UB time!


F .... Folger's Coffee


NEXT .... G