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OH HAPPY dental appointment was cancelled due to a sick hygenist.  I jumped for joy...ha!  Before I received the call, I thought to myself...I don't want to go out...RING.....we are sorry to cancel.....NOT ME..NOT SORRY...sorry she is sick BUT...  😂.  Changed appointment to end of month.  Not only did I not want to go out due to cold and snow on road, I was concerned about dental work during season of illness.  Glad I wasn't in yesterday if hygenist was working!


Hope your day is going well.  kittyfan, did you get your home monitor?


E .... Evaporated Milk


NEXT .... F 





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Hahahaha walker, thanks for the laugh! kind of hard to hold in your disappointment 😂😂 ... I would feel the same way!! ... enjoy the basketball game this afternoon.


I didn't do my laundry, like I always say ... "it'll be there tomorrow" 😁 just didn't feel like doing it!!


We were supposed to have LS tomorrow (I was hoping that I would feel up to it but still feel so drained) but DS decided to switch things around so she could go to daycare 😊


See you later ...


F ~ French Fry


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Good evening 


I understand the happy dance when your at got cancelled!   I have to go on Monday!  


Tootie:  I think it was wise to have an extra day to recover.  LS can be a handful.  Especially if she doesn't nap.  


I got my device.  Thankfully brother was here to get the instructions also and we discussed some options. He is diabetic and has done testing in the past.  This is similar and he had been to the lab and observed the process.  He rearranged some things. I am never surprised.  He called this evening. I told him I would come in on a Monday morning to find my office reorganized. We had a laugh.   His DW came from corporate world. We were in human services. Polar opposites!  But they balance out.  


He told me when he came to check on me on Sunday he had two different shoes!  


Have a Drs apt tomorrow.  Scheduled another appointment with another DR.  I may have to reschedule that one. It's his dear wife's BD. Will see. 


G:  gravy for the biscuits. May be a Southern thing. But Walker probably experienced it in NC


H:  next

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Good morning friends ... ugh, I slept in a bit ... now my day will be all off kilter 😁 ...


kittyfan, I hope your machine is easy enough to use for you ... hahaha, DB is keeping you on your toes by rearranging things on you! ... laughed too at him having two different shoes on ... he must have been on "super speed" trying to get over to you! ... I bet he has a plan implemented so that situation doesn't happen again?!


Shout out to walker ... 👋


We're in a cold spell (again) and are getting some snow today ... I'm going to finish up some laundry today ... Have a good day ... pouring and passing ... kittyfan, I think gravy and biscuits is Southern thing ... I've had them here and like them but I bet they're better in the South 😋


H ~ Ham ... with those gravy and biscuits




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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Good Morning Friends!  ☕️🥶🇺🇸


Happy Wednesday!  You slept in, Tootie, and I woke up too early.  I checked in here and did not see you.  I was hoping you had slept in instead of relapse from being sick.  On we go....I'll be yawning..ha!  

Hope the new home monitor is easy for you to use, kittyfan.  And, yes, gravy and biscuits were really the thing in south and for us in NC.  The only one in our family who was hooked on those was #2 son.  Bojangles was his favorite restaurant.  If he is in the south he looks for it and get his "fix" ...haha.  

GS's basketball game did not go so well yesterday...lost. Can't win them all!


I'm still laughing too about my cancelled dental appointment yesterday.  Doesn't take much to make me happy...😂.  I'm thinking of changing next appointment to June now....winter germs lurking..ha.  

Hope you have a nice day.  Bye for now.  


I ..... Ice Cream 


NEXT ..... J 



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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Good afternoon 


Well I got a call this morning. My appointment was cancelled as Dr was ill.  I did not do the happy dance.  Trying to find a spot to fit me in.    This is one of those appointment s scheduled for months.  I was able to catch brother before he left home. 


Oh game losses tell us about life!   But of course we like to see them do well.  

We are expecting another blast of cold. 


I heard a tap at the door. Opened it to find a lady with bright blue hair.  She was delivering my meds   she must be a new resident. So many I knew have moved. I don't know many new folks. These are the meds that come from a specialty pharmacy. 

With the new year my copays have increased until I hit the magic numbers. Just thankful to have great insurance. 


J:  jelly


K:  nect


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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good morning friends ... kittyfan, oh no! I hope that you will be able to get back into your doctors, it makes it harder when they are trying to squeeze you in ... but there must be so much illness going around ... I bet that was a shock when you opened your door and saw a blue haired lady 😂


Shout out to walker ... 👋


I did manage to get my laundry done yesterday ... talked with my girlfriend a minute and her DS was sick too ... more snowy weather and cold today ... not planning on going anywhere.


Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


K ~ Ketchup


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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Good Morning Friends!  ☕️⛅️🇺🇸


Happy Thursday!  In double digits here early..22 degrees...going to mid-30's.  Still cold but sounds better that 8 degrees...more of that to come.  Hopefully, I will get a walk in today.


kittyfan, you mentioned insurance and co-pays going up.

I am shocked at increases in insurance both health, home, car...yikes.  Thankfully, we have insurance and can pay bills.  Good luck getting your appointment rescheduled.  They cancelled you so they should find an opening sooner rather than later.🤞


Tootie, glad you are 'up and at 'em' today....must be getting better. 👍  


No news here....hibernation season is for now.....have a nice day....gosh, halfway through January already!  

L ..... Lettuce


NEXT ... M 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Good evening


Last night I was viewing the cameras at my house. Saw a concern. Called brother. He had already seen it and had it handled. 


We are expecting cold temps beginning this weekend. As long as  appointments next week.  Rescheduled Dr and dreaded dentist.


I am not happy with my bank. Took two months to get back to me. Finally called me.  Brother had just left. Neither of us were happy with their response. Will see where we go from here. I have been a customer for more than 30 years but I can move my business 


My numbers continue to be out of range. More throwing numbers out.  Thought perhaps I could stop the twice daily injections but not yet.  


I know what you mean about time flying. Monday is a legal holiday so no mail or bank.  


Brother will be going to my house to meet vendor.  I am curious to see changes but not yet.  Brother has furniture etc which will be going there. He said today he plans to spend at least a weekend a month there. I think it reminds him a bit of his grandparents farm. I am okay with keeping it.  Originally he planned to sell but changed his focus.  He has full knowledge of my finances, etc. I am relieved to have him making those decisions. 


M:    mashed potatoes 


N:  next 

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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Good morning friends ... kittyfan, ugh! I hope that you can get some kind of satisfication from your bank ... they should be doing everything they can to keep you a customer ... it sounds like your house is almost ready for DB to move his furniture in? exciting times!! ... 🤞 crossed that you can get your numbers as they should be.


walker, we're in for a cold spell too, single digit cold ... the weatherman said it would be the coldest we've seen in 10 years! ... we had snow all day long yesterday ... ended up with about 5 inches of that light fluffy snow ... it was pretty though while it fell ... feeling better, just tail end of a cold now.


DD is sick with the flu now ... just too much crud going around ... Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


N ~ Noodles