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Good morning friends ... walker, I'm sure with all of your catching up with chores around the house and your walking you'll lose your "trip weight gain" (that's what we do when we go away) in no time at all ... I did see a couple straggler ants marching in yesterday (early in the afternoon) and then nothing more after that ... 🤞 that they are gone!!


cookie, keep that "swat" and paper towel ready ... with your heat you may see some more of those bugs ...


kittyfan, hope you are able to stay cool ...


We have a heat advisory today, heat and humidity ... we'll have a 91 degree day ... I know that's not as hot as TX but yuck!! ... A/C and indoors for me today!!


Have a good day and stay cool ... pouring and passing.


D ~ Drinks ... anything cold today!!


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Good Morning Friends!  🇺🇸🙏.....☀️🥵


Happy Wednesday!  Summertime, Summertime...HOT, HOT Summertime!  I remember growing up all we had were fans to cool us.  My parents also had awnings over windows on our house which helped it stay cool.  We survived but I don't remember 90's....seems like 80 was hot back then.  

Well, I am so thrilled...🙄 I go to dentist for another crowning!  🦷👑....soon I won't be able to hold my head up from the weight of it all...😂.  I think this is a crown replacement....why didn't original one last?  Whine...whine...whine...grin and bear it.  Pain in pocketbook too....💰.


Tootie, I hope you are right about dropping the travel weight!  I am busier at home.  Vacation was in and out of cars, boats,,, chat...sit...drink....etc. My jaws got a lot of exercise...🤣.


cookie and kittyfan....thinking of you in TX heat...good time for reading....unlimited UBs....hope this is not a busy week out and about for you, kittyfan.  Cars probably have a hard time cooling down and then you get to destination.


All for now ...... see you later.


E .... Extra-Large Cold Drinks Needed!

NEXT .... F 






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Another toasty day here.

A friend posted on FB she and family are at Niagria Falls. She was born in upstate NY and connected with others to go back yo roots. Looks like a great time.

Walker: no fun going to dentist. And hit to pocket for sure.

Cookie: know you are hibernating. I made the mistake of checking "feels like temp"

F: fruit salad

G: next
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Good morning ~  


Laughing at your "mistake" of checking the feels like temps kittyfan😄  I do that as well.  It is a big mistake!!  Right now we are at 72 and another triple digit day on tap.  I noticed on the weather report last night the temps for the week weren't above 105 as previously predicted.  Yay, but who knows? 


Nice weather you're have Tootie - wanna trade?  How's the ant situation?  Did they get your message to get lost or die😄  Many states are experiencing hot above normal temps.  Oh well, that's what UB's are for🥰


walker, I remember the fans my parents had - big monsters.  Our house had very thick walls which helped to keep things cooler and heat out.  Fortuanately, we had a pool and if the fans didn't do it, the pool did!  


Another day of hibernating inside under the ceiling fans which help to circulate tthe AC air.  Drinking lots of water. SIL stayed home sick yesterday - hard to work outside when you are not up to par.  That wonderful man grilled pork chops for our dinner❣


Passing the coffee ~


G - Goulash

H - next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Good morning friends ... kittyfan, I bet your friends are having a great time at Niagara Falls ... it's beautiful!! and even though it's right in my backyard I haven't been there in years!


walker, how did the "crowning" go ... I wonder the same thing, shouldn't they be made to last? ... forever!!?? hahaha!! (I guess those kids have to go through college ... 😉)  ... your vacation description sounds like fun ... sit, eat, drink, chat .. and repeat! 😂


cookie, enjoy more UB's today ... hope your SIL is feeling better ... I can't imagine having to work out in that heat ...


We are watching LS here today ... DS had to go into the office ... I can tell it's going to be a busy (but fun) day ... oh, the ants seem to have taken a hike ... hope they don't decide to return.


Stay cool everyone ... our temp today will be 85 .. not going to complain though, it could be like TX ...


Have a good day ... pouring and passsing


H ~ Ham and Eggs ...



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Good Morning Friends!  🇺🇸🙏...☀️

Am I the only one having trouble with this forum page?  When I click on it gives me a long list of categories in QVC.

Also has a note that says to join the Facebook page for more conversations.  I scrolled all way down to see posts.  Very odd...hope it is temporary.  But, I got on this morning.

If problems continue, I'll see you at our other connection.


Happy Thursday!  Crowning visit wasn't enjoyable yesterday, Tootie.   I was there two hours!  He took his time...had a couple extra things to do in tooth fill a small, joy.  He is good and thorough...and young...and the assistant was good too....good team.  I return in three weeks for official "crowning".  Should go much quicker! 🤞. And, kittyfan, yes....💰💰💰.


cookie, in spite of the heat and not feeling well, your SIL worked his magic at the grill!  What a guy!  Pork Chops...yum!  When we were at our friends' home in MI, they had grilled pork chops one night.  So good!


Better go...hope this posts!  Have a fun day with LS, Tootie.  One will be easier than two...😁.


I .... Ice Cubes


NEXT .... J 



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Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Hello ... walker, I had the same issue with my iPad so switched over to my laptop and had no problem ... I was able to scroll down on my iPad but it wouldn't let me into the blogs ... very strange.


Sorry you were at the dentist so long but he sounds like a good dentist ... I hate when they start something and they find another issue ... oh well, at least it will be all taken care of.


DH is trying to get LS to nap (she got up at 5:30) but it's not happening ... she doesn't like my crib and she is a fighter when it comes to nap/bed time ... while he's got her I may start sipping on the Mimomas!! ... what?? did I say sipping?? ... gulping would be more like it 😁


See you later ....


J ~ Jello


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This website is a REAL PAIN IN THE...BLEEP!  But, I had to log on and reply to Tootie!  Laughing about nap time for LS......maybe you should offer LS a little mimosa too!!  😂

Off to lullaby-land soon....haha!  One for for LS....two for Grammie....LOL!

Adios for now...


K ..... Knives


NEXT .... L 



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L - Let's have more Mimosas!!  

M - next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Hello friends ... walker, I don't know why I didn't think of the Mimosa for LS 😂😂 ... LS was not having it!! no naps in the crib ... she literally screams when we put her in it ... I will only let her cry for 5 minutes or so (maybe not long enough) before getting her and she was really worked up!! so, I rocked her and she slept for 15 minutes in the morning and rocked her again in the afternoon and she slept for about 30 minutes ... not an ideal situation but I was at my wits end ... we even tried to put her in it sleeping and she immediately woke up screaming ...


I'll be on a little later tomorrow ... I have my 2 year re-check at the cardiologists .. an echogram and then a visit with the doctor ... (walker, I remember we both had palpitations at the same time ... can you believe it's been 2 years??)


See you later ...


L ~ Leftovers ... and I have to take the