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Smiling here tonight......welcome back, FHG!  Sorry to hear about your problems in recent months!  Happy to know you are making progress with recovery.  Nice too that kittyfan has been able to keep in touch with you....and, she with us.  Will keep you in thought and prayers for continued healing. Keep in touch when you can.


Cookie, good B!  It was a special BAT, Tootie, thanks!  And, I don't know how the PD knew it was me either.  Maybe my eyes....people tell me my eyes talk....haha!  We will whip up a great meal of appreciation for the PD soon!  The SCC in the kitchen......oh boy.....anything is possible!


You were very cool in TX, cookie!  But, who cared when your SIL fired up,the grill, eh?  


Winding down after "jetting" around today....ha!  Need my beauty sleep....or, more importantly, brain recharge....someone plug me in....haha.


See you well.....dimming lights.


C .... Cream Cheese


NEXT .... D






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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Good morning friends .... another rainy and cool day ... high of 47!! ... a good day to start going through, sorting and donating things ... or just taking a whole bunch of UB's!! Woman Wink


Off to early Mass then home for coffee and the paper ...


Hope everyone has a good Sunday ... coffee's ready!!


D ~ Doughnuts ... to go with that coffee!


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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Hope all is well with my friends here ... did you get caught up in the PD?? Send an SOS and I'll be there ... Woman Wink


E ~ Everything Bagel



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Good morning ~  Slept in a little this morning.  We will beat your temps today Tootie - right now it's 38 going for 75.  It was 36 when I went out on the back patio earlier.  I am seriously considering wearing a long sleeved shirt!  


I'll second your taking a whole bunch of UB's - sorting and donating? Not so much.  If I do, I must take it immediately to the Good WIll, etc. or I find myself "missing" an item and going back through stuff.  Not a good thing!


Thanks for the coffe Tootie.  Pouring and passing ~


E = Egg Nog

F is next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good Morning Friends!


I am late today too!  But, I was up early.....then my paper actually and paper!!!!  Then had to quickly get breakfast and get ready for church!  But, before I pray....I say....GOOD MORNING to you!!!  HA!  


Sun  is shining......another good thing.....but only a high of 40 something.  Laughed that you are thinking about a long-sleeved shirt, cookie!  Nah, just layer up til you get to that 75.


Tootie, today is a day of take the UBs!  While you enjoy those (unlimited with no guilt on Sunday) you can think about the sorting, etc.  HA...I am a master procrastinator!


Got to go......Happy Sunday.......see you later.


F .... Fondue Pot


NEXT .... G







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Hello ladies!! ... well, I took your advice and did nothing but UB's today ... it was a rainy and damp day, so UBing was perfect!! ...


cookie, I HAVE to take my donation bags out right away too, as I will go through them and think that I should save the majority!! making my sorting and bagging a waste of time ... Woman Wink


Hope everyone had a good day ...


G ~ Goulash




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Hello to all friends......


I had a lazy UB day too, Tootie.  I did take a walk and it was so nice.  I bundled up for cool temps and it was great....sun and all!

Then some reading and relaxing.  Chores during the week....with at least one UB each day for health purposes!  Ha!


No other news from me......just veggin' for evening......guess I will dim the lights.  See you all tomorrow....we should be well-charged to do our chores, etc.  


H ...  Halloween Candy!


NEXT .... I 

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Good morning ~  That makes three of us on the UB's!  However, let us not forget just who is the master of all masters of the UB's. Tootie may have invented it, but I have taken it to new heights!!!!  I have also been known to procrastinate on occasion.  (many, many occasions) 


Going to the Aetna Medicare Insurance meeting this morning.  Hopefully they will explain things.  The new year seems to be very compliicated or else they went to the DMV for instructions on how to word everything.  lol.. 


Now if I can find my car keys.  They disappeared yesterday.  DD has been using my car and leaves them on the kitchen bar/counter.  She has looked everywhere to no avail.  Thankfully I have a spare but without the computer conveniences.  Another spring like day 48/79.  Passing the coffee ~


I = ice cubes

J is next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Posts: 7,994
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Good morning friends .... and are we all re-charged and ready to go today??!! ... me?? not just yet!! Woman Very Happy those UB's get easier and easier to take ....


cookie, enjoy your meeting ... LOL at your comment about the DMV wording!! .... I hope you find your keys ... I bet they show up someplace where you least expect them ...


Another miserable rainy and windy day ... heavy heavy rain expected this afternoon (flash flooding for some areas... not mine though) 43 now and going up to 50 ...


Hope everyone has a good day ... Double catch up Monday for me (in a little while!! Woman Wink) ... see you later ... pouring and passing ...


J ~ Juice glass






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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Good Morning Friends!


I feel like I had an ALL-UB weekend, Tootie,  so I have no excuses today.  I will try to keep moving and be productive.  One thing that will help GD!  She gets out of school early today so I will meet her and bring her to my house for the afternoon.  I promised her that we would do a craft so I better get creative!!  DD has to take GS to a doctor appointment.


I laughed at your comment too, cookie, about wording and the DMV!  These insurance policies are nuts!  So much legal mumbo-jumbo....they want you to be confused ....and do a good job of it.

Good luck with meeting.....and finding your keys.


Time to have breakfast.....get my engine going....maybe....ha!


K .... K as in Special K cereal


NEXT ... L