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Good Morning Friends!  ☕️🌦️🇺🇸


Coffee, mimosas and friends...👍....Happy Monday!  Rain has moved through so sun should peek out...🤞.  There sure has been stormy weather in center part of country ...glad those tornadoes missed you, cookie and kittyfan.


Happy to hear you are doing well after the Watchman procedure, cookie.  I will share that with my friend.  I think hers is next week.


This is our week, Tootie!  🎼 Going to the Chapel and We're Gonna Get Marrrrrried..... I had to pull out wedding photos for dinner Saturday....memories, memories...bittersweet since many with us that day have passed away.  We had six attendants each and seven will be here....three have passed and two can't make it.


Better get my Marvelous Mimosa Monday started...🥂...😁...well....maybe I'll save the mimosas until this weekend...too much to do today!


See you later.  Have a nice day.


G .... Green Grapes


NEXT .... H 









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Good morning ~   Time To Tackle Tuesday!


walker, it sounds like preparing for an Anniversary takes more busy work and planning than a Wedding!  A very special occasion!  Are you and DH wearing crowns?😃😃 and passing out little paper crowns for you guests?😄  (sorry I couldn't resist)


Tootie, hope you are enjoying your grilling and the weather is holding. Good thing you can grill all summer! 


kittyfan, hope things are getting more orderly at SO.  Enjoy the war weather we are having - Summers almost her - what happened to Spring??  


No news form DVS.  Lab this morning then home for a day long UB.  I am so tired - mentally and physically.  Glad I have a doc's appointment in two weeks.  She is such a great doctor and really cares.  I am also trying out some  balance exercises that I found on line. Hope it helps.


Have a great day!


Passing the coffee ~


H - Hamburgers - on the grill of course

I - next



There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Good morning friends ... cookie, I hope your doctor can find out what is bothering you ... it's no fun not feeling good ... do nothing today except to enjoy your UB's ...


walker, that must have been a bittersweet moment to go through your wedding photos but think of all the fun you and your attendants will have looking back at them! fun, fun memories!! ... (and the kids will probably laugh at the outfits 😉😊) ...


Shout out to kittyfan ... 👋


We had a beautiful sunny day yesterday ... sat out on the patio and grilled chicken ... DD had a day off so she joined us! ... another nice day today ... maybe rain this morning but a clear afternoon ... kids day tomorrow so I've got to take an inventory of what I need from the store ... those kids can eat!!


Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


I ~ Ice Cream



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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Good Morning Friends!  ☕️🌤️🇺🇸


Last day of🕰️ does ✈️...😁...crazy emojii lady here...ha!  Yes, Time to Tackle Tuesday ....I have lists everyday of things to tackle.


cookie, good luck with lab work and glad you have a doctor appointment coming up.  Take it easy out there.  

A friend of mine had a bad case of flu or food poisoning last week.  Yesterday she ended up in ER dehydrated.  Good reminder to drink fluids everyday!!  Add some Gatorade too once in awhile.  I remember trying to keep QM drinking water.  She said it made her go to bathroom too often.


I laughed about wearing crowns for anniversary and passing out paper ones, cookie.  I think we will just celebrate as two old married people....normal (😉?) people...🤣 .....someone mentioned I need a veil to to that as well!   Should have told ladies to wear hats for Kentucky Derby...ha!  

Tootie, chicken on grill sounds good....after this weekend DH and I will look forward to relaxing on deck too and fire up the grill.  

kittyfan, how are you doing?  

Bye for now.....Happy Tuesday everyone!  

J .... Jam 😋


NEXT .... K 





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Good afternoon


I have decided to get to go ftom he dining room for a bit.  my last visit to dining room I did not enjoy.  Could not wait to escape.  Today they started a new system that had been promised months ago.  Tracking by resident.


On my way back heard  voice behind me  Was this hall 2 or 3.  I said three.  Okay lady you wanted to move here dont complain about the walk  She kept saying she was going the wrong way I said no.  Got to door and Bobby and his doggie needed to be let in  Door is always locked and he said his key didnt work.  Visited with the cutie.  He said doggie didnt do well In storms  Had to be medicated.  As  turned the corner Looney Lucy said she was lost!  Of my--another resident helped her!   She is a total drama queen


Walker:  Know you are busy   What a lovely event  Was thinking about the three drivers---insurance!!


Tootie:  endless energy and need food to fuel them!!


Cookie:  Oh papering


K:  kitchen


L:  next









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Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good morning friends ... no cookie yet and no email saying she was having technical issues ... hope you are doing ok.


kittyfan, ugh, more stories for your book ... are they keeping track of you to see how many go to the dining room? or what people eat? ... you're so right about people needing to stop complaining about things ... if it's a longer walk than anticipated then maybe it should have been thought about before you moved ... good luck with the new changes.


walker, I'm sure you are busy, busy ... remember to take those UB's.


We'll have a beautiful day so our plan is to get out and go with the kids ... (or at least let them go and we will watch 😉😂)


Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


L ~ Leftovers


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Good morning ~  Welcome Wednesday!


I got up late and found total confusion with emails "confirming" my doctors appointment for the 2nd. then the 9th, then back again confirmed.  What a PITA!  I clicked my confirmation and they wanted me to re-register!!!  I have been registered and kept current for the 14 years I have been seeing this doctor!  Now I have other appointment changes to re-schedule!  Where's the Calgon???


I will leave and be back later-lots of paperwork🤔

Passing the coffee ~


M - Mimosas!  Marvelous ones of course!

N - next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Posts: 10,033
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good Morning Friends!  ☕️☀️🇺🇸


Happy Wednesday!  Happy May!  💐 I smile every May 1st.   May have shared story that growing up a girlfriend and I picked a neighbor's pretty flowers and gave them to two older ladies in our neighborhood.  We thought we did something nice! 😂  

cookie, good luck with your appointments now...maybe kittyfan has some tips. Hope "Calgon" helps...🤣.  Very aggravating having to re-register....isn't that why we have it once and store it?  They should just ask if you have any changes.  


Tootie, have fun with the kiddos today....fresh air + exercise = good naps! 😁 AND...a UB a for you!


kittyfan, so drivers and insurance 😳💸.  Hope dining situation gets better.


Away I go for another day....busy is right! It will all come together soon.  DH family arrives tomorrow....the party begins....🥳.  


Have a good day! Keep your sunny side up! 😊


N .... Nutter-Butter Cookies..😋


NEXT ... O 






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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Hello friends ... kids are gone and the kitchen is all cleaned up from dinner ... now it's UB time!! ... we had a really good day ... I throughly enjoy when we can get outside ... and so do they! ... LS was grabby, grabby this morning so I threw her in for her morning nap earlier than normal ... LG and grandpa went for a long walk.

Lunch and then nap time ... and then run, run, run in the yard until DS/SIL came.


cookie, ugh! I hope you can get your appointments straightened out ...


walker, how fun that some "guests" are starting to arrive ... good times ahead for you!! and DH!! ... cute and funny story about you and your girlfriend picking flowers and giving away to another neighbor ... 🌹😂


Have a good night ... see you in the morning ... I like nutter-butter cookies too!


O ~ Onions




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Hi there.....winding down from another busy day.  I am really get tired and ready to get the show on the road here.  There are so many moving parts in this weekend. But, we rarely get family reunions so guess this is one minus a few people.  I told DH we are ahead of schedule with spring chores inside and out....ha!  

I will keep in touch with my special  SCC friends in next few days but if I miss a morning you'll know.  All will be back to normal by next Tuesday.

Tootie, glad you had a good day with LG and LS....good weather for outside fun helps!  You will enjoy memories of these days later when not needed as much.  

All for today.....see you in the morning.


P .... Potatoes


Q .... Queen needs 😴


NEXT .... R