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Re: Thyme For Fun!

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Free Thanksgiving Graphics - Thanksgiving Clipart

Good morning friends ... cookie, glad you are feeling a little bit better ... you're probably sore from twisting/turning yourself trying to  get up from your fall and pulled muscles ... those UB's should help out!


kittyfan, I laughed at your story about your brother and his lawn ... men and their lawns!! 3 peas in a pod is right 😂


walker, I'll be anxious to hear how the cranberry sauce is with the orange marmalade (another good idea!) ... QM would be proud to see how she started it all ...


Our news says that the car explosion was not terrorism ... they're thinking the driver had a medical emergency.


I hope you all have a good day whatever you may do!! Pouring and passing ... thankful for our friendship 💗


Z ~ Zucchini




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               HAPPY THANKSGIVING !!!



Good Morning Friends!  ☕️☕️☕️☕️

A happy day to all!  Coffee with friends...something to be thankful for here!  I am blessed in many ways and very thankful.


cookie, I hope you have a cozy day recuperating with good things to eat later.....turkey and trimmings good anytime!


Tootie, everything sounds yummy at your house and ready for delivery!  I bet you will hear more stories about trip to Disney.  Ask LG and LS how they liked plane ride...first time on plane?


kittyfan, the story about your brother and lawn mowing made me laugh!  Many landscapers use the riding mowers.  DH has made the same comment about marks on lawns near us.  

I wish you all a happy day of thankfulness with friends, family or furry friends (the best 😉)...and yummy food...a day of memories too, right?  Enjoy! 🤗


Bye for now....gobble....gobble...🦃


A .... Apple Pie...Any Pie....😋


NEXT .... B






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Good morning ~


I am thankful that Thanksgiving is over.  As I get older I find that I do not care for Holidays.  Too much ado about too much!  Anyway, I enjoyed my quiet day with a leftover plate that DD brought home from her salon's Christmas - very good.  DD and SIL came home(earlier than I expected) with a plate from his mother which I will enjoy today.  Still uncomfortable and a sore rib stops a lot of movements.  I am trying to move around more and walking inside instead of outside - don't need canine "helpers"😅  Another day sitting with legs stretched out, relaxed on my bed propped up with my good ole' chair pillow.  I will survive💪 SCC strong! I am in Dullsville S.  Enough babbling!  Saving some for walker,kittyfan and Tootie😅  


Hope you all had a good day of thanks and some delicious food. 


Passing the coffee ~


B - Breakfast casserole  or .....  Big pieces of any pie

C next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: Thyme For Fun!

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Good morning friends ... cookie, I tend to agree with you about the holidays ... "too much ado about too much" ... too much prep work, too much trying to get everything ready at the same time and too much food and then way too much clean up!! yikes!! ... next year I want to do simple ... but, I'm glad you got to enjoy a plate from your DD and another one from your SIL's mother ... good deal!! ... hope you continue to feel better!!


walker, QM's cranberry sauce was a big hit!! ... next time we want to try it with the marmalade ... so many options, QM would be very proud!! 💗


Shout out to kittyfan ... 👋


I had a good time yesterday ... I built a train track with LG and played with that while LS read with DD ... they did enjoy their plane ride walker ... LG was impressed with the big clouds that he went through ... and yes, that was their first time flying ... he had issues with his ears bothering him but is ok now ...


We'll have a chilly and cloudy 35 degree day ... brrrrr!!


Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


C ~ Casserole


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Good Morning Friends!  ☕️☀️🇺🇸....🦃...🦃


Happy Friday Day After 🦃 Day!  Bye-Bye turkeys...for now anyway.  Next up....🎅🎄....this is the one holiday I am starting to get bah-humbug about....ha..better be careful or Santa will leave me coal.  But, too much stress...decorating, shopping, cooking, baking, etc., etc.  Oh well....HO, HO, HO....we will get through it....I think...😂.


Must have been relaxed ...or stuffed...from yesterday as I slept in this morning.  Dinner was delicious!  The cranberry sauce with orange marmalade was very good too, Tootie.  I told DIL's mother that you used orange liqueur and she liked that idea as well.  Glad it was a hit with your family.


cookie, sounds like you had one good meal yesterday and one more for today.  Yum!  Wish I had another plate for today.  Again, I understand your feelings about holidays.  They can be depressing.  The older I get the less I enjoy all the hoopla of Christmas. (Maybe we could make up a new jingle to tune of weather one...we'll weather the holidays whether we like it or not..😆)  But, Thanksgiving is my favorite because it is all about the good food...especially when I don't have to prepare and cooki it.  LOL!  

This weekend the push is on to start my Christmas decorating ... today put away a few Thanksgiving decorations and prep place to get other things out.  Oh boy.....whistle a happy tune....maybe we need to play Christmas music like Tootie to get the spirit.


Bye for now.....👋👋 to kittyfan...hope Shady Oaks had a nice Thanksgiving feast for you.


D ..... Dishwasher


NEXT ... E 

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Good afternoon


Cookie:  glad you are feeling better.  Love the take outs. Nice to have a sampling.


Walker:  I understand about the Christmas rush.  I don't have any littles and just watch everyone scurry around.


I had a lovely dinner with friends. Hostess is a great cook and enjoys entertaining


Came home and had a text from brother. He had gotten up at 2 am to cook!  When family arrived he was to tired to enjoy!  His lovely wife does not cook. His mom did not either. He learned to cook from his beloved grandmother and aunt. 


Today was a beautiful day weather wise. Need to do some laundry and some housekeeping chores. 


Shady Oaks did a lovely meal. They did a family dinner last week. It was delicious. I understand they did the same menu. Dinner was a sandwich but I had brought a care package with me. 


E:  egg salad


F:  next



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kittyfan, sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving with friends too.  I had to chuckle about brother cooking....oh my, he is one amazing guy..takes care of everyone and cooks too!!  Wow!  Need more of him around!


I looked up my mother's original recipe for the cranberry sauce.  I was hoping it might have a date on it.  But, recipe had been cut out and put on an index card...very worn, used and bit brown.  It wouldn't surprise me if it came from a Better and Homes Cookbook...40's or early 50's?   I remember she said she fixed her first turkey following a recipe in that book...maybe cranberries too.  MANY years later...still being enjoyed.

No other news....did some house prepping for Christmas decorations....ready to start tomorrow on that project.


Rest well everyone.....see you in morning.


F .....  Fresh Green Beans


NEXT ..... G 




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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

lost my post


Closing kitchen. Coffee pot ready


G:  green beans


H:  next





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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Good morning friends ... kittyfan, how nice that you were able to go to your friends for Thanksgiving ... your DB is a man of all trades!! but it sounds like he wore himself out (but, from the stories of what you tell of him, I'm sure he didn't mind 😊)


cookie, so you got to celebrate Thanksgiving a day later ... that mac and cheese sounds delicious!! ... I've read about hard boiled eggs in stuffing, not sure I would like it ... glad your ribs are feeling a bit better ... more UB's and more pies!! yum!!


walker, wow! that cranberry sauce recipe is "an oldie but a goodie" ... it's so funny, we're on the same wavelength again ... I got some of my Christmas decorations out yesterday too! I will dig more out today and I want to get my tree up ... I "may" have the kids "help" decorate the tree when we watch them on Thursday but the jury is still out on that one! 😁 ... we did get my pumpkins and fall things out from the gardens yesterday too!


Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


I ~ Idaho potatoes




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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good Morning Friends!  ☕️☕️☕️☕️


Happy Saturday!  Time for coffee and chat with friends!  Best way to start the day. 😁  Thanks, kittyfan, for having pot ready to go.  Sorry you lost another post in cyberspace somewhere. 😆


cookie, glad you enjoyed a nice day and more good food with GS and GD.  I will take the traditional stuffing too...not sure on the eggs. If someone fixed it, like your GD, I would try it.   There certainly are a lot of variations of stuffing recipes.  I have heard of sausage in it as well.  

Tree and some decorations going up today.  Tootie, I had to laugh about "may but jury out"  have LG and LS help decorate your tree. Maybe buy a small tree just for them to decorate?  I have ornaments for each of grandkids and I used to let them put theirs on tree.  Other than that, I have my own way of decorating.  DD even offered for my GD to come help decorate this year.  I must be a control freak...ha....move at my own pace (need UB time..ha) and put things out...change my mind and move them...ha.  
This year with whole family being here and both birthday and Christmas celebrations, everything is coming out.  🙄


Time for another cup of coffee....then away I go...HO, HO, HO.....stay tuned....Desi has to help....hope we are still jolly at end of day. 😂


Bye for now.....


J ..... Juice (+ Champagne = MIMOSA....😊🥂)


NEXT .... K 


⬆️😡.....WHY?  Gremlins! 😡 Oh well, did

             not lose it.