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Hello friends ... oh boy kittyfan, I would have been ready to scream when I finally arrived at the right place ... sorry you had to go through that ... but in the end, all is good! you made it and you liked the doctor ...


walker, we had another miserable, cold, damp, rainy/snowy day ... ugh!! I'm tired of this ... especially the snow ... even though it doesn't amount to anything, it's annoying!! oh well, complaining isn't going to do any good ...


cookie, hope you had a good day ...


See you in the morning ... great J walker!! 😃


K ~ Kiwi




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I needed a UB after dealing with the snafus.

The TS had a volunteer who was in her in her 80s when she passes. Shortly before her passing she reported for jury duty felt it was her civic duty. Not me.

Coffee pot ready

L: lemons

M: next
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Good morning ~


What a time you had kittyfan!  As Tootie said, I would also scream!  Why are the medical offices and parking so difficult??  Thanks for the suggestion to call the Jury Duty people to see if I can opt out.  Since my surgery is on the 27th and the notice is to appear on May 5th maybe the doc will have a mandatory rest period after surgery?  I am also still having light headed,stiff neck and balance issues.  I am 80 and think there should be a limit.


walker and tootie, we will be 82 with some rain today so I can send up some wet sunshine if necessary.  Tired of this crazy weather!


Spent most of the day preparing for my procedure and on the phone with tthe nurse to make sure I have things in place. Tired of everything happening at once.  


Have a good day 🥂🌺🌻☕


Passing the coffee ~


M - Mimosas           Tootie's specialty of course!

N - next


There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good morning friends ... cookie, I'm sure with your procedure being so close to your Jury Duty that you would not have to serve and there probably is an age limit too ... glad to hear that you got more information on your procedure ... hang in there, my friend ... things will seem to get hectic as the time gets near but it will be done before you know it ... 💗


kittyfan, I don't agree either that it's a civic duty to serve Jury Duty ... (I hear that all the time too ...) people (that I've talked with) here wouldn't mind serving IF ... it wasn't downtown, a royal pain to get to and another royal pain to park! 😠 ... I say, choose from the people that really want to serve ... my DS would love to but has never gotten summoned.


Hi to walker ... 👋


We'll have a cloudy but supposedly dry day ... high of 48! ... cookie, please keep your rain there ... we've had enough. 


Have a good day ... pouring and passing.


N ~ Noodles


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Good Morning Friends!  ☕️🌤



Happy Wednesday!  Looks like a cool and cloudy day here.  Yesterday they predicted a stormy day for us but that has changed .... maybe tomorrow now.  Glad for that as I have to pick up GS and GD at school today then get GD to gymnastics.  

I agree with all comments shared here....ha...of course!  First, re...civic duty and Jury Duty...been there done more but have not been called here.  I did have Jury Duty in MI and NC...interesting process but now I would need bathroom and UB passes! 😂 Wake up Granny and let her go home!   You will definitely get a pass, cookie, for age and medical reasons.


I am loving Spring (except storms)....flowering trees in bloom, daffodils up, birds chirping......enjoy your day everyone!  


O ..... Oregano


NEXT ..... P 









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Q very happy emoji.jpg

I did it!!!!   I went on line as instructed, filled out the forms and questionaire and.........wait for it...................... 




It wouldn't let me print so I bookmarked it in a file.  I was able to print the questionaire though.  I am one happy lady!!!


P - Please Pass the Mimosas!!!!🥂🥂🥂🥂

Q♛ next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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HOORAY FOR YOU, cookie!  👏👏👏👏

Cross that off your list!  Happy Day!

I'll join you with the 🥂Mimosas🥂 to celebrate and.....


Q ..... QUICHE! 😂 😋


NEXT .... R 

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Cookie: kiddos. Great job. I knew you had aged out. Glad to hear you got one thing down

Rather a gray day here. Chance of some weather we will see.

Got an email from TS. Thought news. No just need to buy a new sign and a new nompurwr. Honestly I am becoming less enthusiastic. This two month project has drug on way too long.

R: raspberries for those mimosas we are toasting Cookie with!!!

S: next
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Hello friends ... great news cookie!! ... cheers 🥂


kittyfan, what a shame that the TS remodel is taking so long ... I can see why you are loosing interest and I bet the others are too ... I sure hope when they open back up that they have enough people to run it ...


walker, hope you had a good day.


We had a chilly but sunny day 😎 ... tomorrow a little warmer.


I will be on a little earlier tomorrow because we're watching the kids again ... DS has a new boss who runs the show a lot different ... meetings, meetings, meetings. He's still working from home so it's kind of difficult for him to have the kids running around while he's trying to be in a meeting. They go to daycare 3 days, DIL is always off 1 day during the week because she works every other weekend and then DS has them home one day ... and when he is going to be super busy we will take them 😊 (I think we will have them once a week for a while)


Have a good night ...


S ~ Strawberry Mimosas too!!


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Hi there....oh, Tootie, how nice that you and DH are there to help out with LG and LS.  One day a week would be ok.  I remember doing one day with DD and one with DS.  It goes soooo fast!  It does wear you down a bit but the memories are great.  Today I picked up my GS and GD...when did this happen??..14 and we know, time flies!   Now my challenge is just to get out of school parking lot without embarrassing myself or kids...ha!   🥴 Such good kids though...a pleasure!  Have fun tomorrow!  

kittyfan, sure hope TS gets things going before they lose good volunteers.  I would lose interest too and decide...hmmm...don't need to do that anymore!  


cookie, hope you have an enjoyed a "happy day" after putting end to the jury duty.


See you in morning....charge your batteries, Tootie! 😂


T .... Tomato Paste


NEXT ..... U