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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Me too walker, we have so much fun ... I love our friendships that we have made here ....


I can't believe that it is almost 10pm and we are at 72 degrees ... it is so nice out but we are expecting rain overnight.


See everyone in the morning ....


B ~ Biscuits






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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Good morning ~  I agree, the friendship here is so warm and I look forward to posting here, even if there is nothing much going on.  I sometimes wonder if we were in a group could we pick each other out?  I'll take your weather, Tootie.  We had some rain yesterday so it was muggy.  Today is already 70 and going up to 83.Can't wait for BAT - time to "punish".  Don't mess with our Tootie or any one of us!  Here's to our motto:


Queen happy.jpg


C = carrots

D is next


There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Posts: 7,823
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Good morning everyone!! ... cookie, that's a good question ... I think the only one we would be able to pick out would be walker ... she would be the one with the crown Woman LOL ... love the pic and the motto ... how true!!

Today we are having a soggy and "cooler" day ... high of 62!!

Oh yes, don't forget our "clean up" BAT ...


Have a good day friends ...


D ~ Don't miss BAT



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Posts: 10,231
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Good Morning Friends!


Pretty morning here......rain moving in later....DH can't mow part of our back lawn.....too wet.  We have definitely had the Spring Showers!


Cookie, great funny is that....perfect!  And, if we were in a group, I think we would know each other.......we would be the ones laughing about something!  The "light-hearted" bunch!  But, you are right, Tootie, my crown would also give me away.  👸  Ha!  I try not to wear it much in public......prefer to remain anonymous.  


Time for breakfast, haircut and groceries this morning.  My gal is back at salon ....hooray....she has been on maternity leave so another gal has been cutting my hair.  It has been ok but never quite the same.


Looking forward to BAT tomorrow.....(good D, Tootie)....anyone need a ride?  


Happy Friday!









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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
I have had the opportunity to meet several forum posters IRL! One I remain good friends with. Great to meet in person!!!

Had lunch with my senior ladies!!! I am the youngest but we sat and chatted--we started this when one of the ladies could no longer live alone and living with her daughter didn't work out!! We try to meet once a week. Two ladies live very close to each other in the country

F: finger foods

G: next
Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,231
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Hi friends.......winding down for the night......checking in and good to hear from kittyfan.   So, how did you meet friends from here? Interesting, how you all met up.   It would be fun to meet.  But, if not, we can continue with our crazy fun here....which we do well!  We are friends either way.


Night all......have to rest up for BAT tomorrow!


G............Green onions



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Posts: 7,823
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Good morning .... breakfast is ready ... pancakes/waffles, fruit w/yogurt, coffee. tea, juice and mimosas ... come on over when you can ...

It will be a rainy day here (although it hasn't started yet!) ... we are at 53 degrees ...

Let the clean up begin ............Woman LOL


Have a good Saturday ...


H ~ Happy Hour at BAT




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Posts: 5,207
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Good morning and Happy BAT!  Looking forward to clean up punishment.  Will be bringing the John Deere thing that hauls stuff.  Hope it doesn't fall off of DW!  I will be taking some of your weather Tootie.  We are already at 70 and will be at 80 with chance of rain later.  Muggy.  kittyfan, your adventures sound like a lot of fun. It's always nice to surround yourself with nice folks. Of course, there are no nicer ladies than on this site.  

Ready or not, I am on my way ~


I = Italian sausage

J is next 

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,231
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Good Morning Friends!


It is chilly here.....41......and we will be in 40's all day....possible frost tonight.  I am glad I wait to plant flowers until later in May.


On my way to BAT soon.....rain you say, Tootie?  Oh dear.....that means mud. Maybe we will have to stay inside ....drink mimosas and watch cartoons? ( are they even on anymore?)  Hope I can find a good spot to park QA today.  Good luck hauling the John Deere, cookie.  


J.........Juice + Champagne = Mimosas!  





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Posts: 7,823
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Yikes!! super windy, super rainy and super MUDDY ... I guess we are in hot water ... again!! ... once the neighbors saw the action of the John Deere and QA attempts to park and the splatter of mud all over the house next door, the police were called ... on a Saturday morning, the police know right where to go ... and who to look for ... "the crazy lady with a crown" (sorry walker, you are very well known around here Woman LOL) we tried to explain it was an accident, but they weren't buying it ... cookie got mad and started up the John Deere and went racing up and down the street with the police in pursuit ... their windshields were covered in mud and the chase came to an end (for now) ... QA was able to pick up the John Deere, the limo and cookie and got the heck of town ....

I guess the flipper will just have to hose down the house when he gets there .... We tried to clean up but certain "things" got in the way ....

Hope you made it home safely ....


K ~ Kiwi