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Tootie, ESM= Energy Saving Mode.  Our  windows are open too!  


S= Superior R, kittyfan!

T is next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Hi everyone! 

Well, 300 or so cupcakes and several rum cakes have been made and delivered, packages shipped out, and I'm totally exhausted - I slept past 2 p.m. today!  I'm going to do just a little bit of cleaning - vacuuming, kitchen and bathroom, and change the bed - then just veg out for the next few days. Anyway, the worst is behind me - so I'm back!  Oh, and I did forward your messages on to Kathy; I'll let you know if I hear back; maybe she'll at least check in. 

I think by the time I was about 5 I had figured there was something hokey about the whole Santa thing, but until then I used to leave him beer and pretzels!  Cat LOL


Hope you all have a happy and blessed Christmas!


S = Salami



T =



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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of my friends here .... Hope you all have an enjoyable day, whatever you may do!!


FHG, you were very busy!! ... you are going to need those couple of days to rest .... and thank you for forwarding our messages to Kathy ...


Have a good day friends ....


T ~ Towels ... Christmas ones in the kitchen


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Registered: ‎03-26-2010



HO HO HO!  Wishing you all a happy day celebrating with family, friends or resting at home.   May you feel peace and love.   Love comes in many ways.


FHG, sounds like you showed your love with all those baked goods.   I hope you do hear from Kathy.  


Tootie......our gift to you.......take tomorrow off from BAT....a well deserved day off in the kitchen.  And, guess that is a gift to your community as well....ha!


Bye for now friends.......


U.......Up on the housetop reindeer pause .......I did not hear them....... 







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Posts: 5,207
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Merry Christmas morning ~  FHG, I am sending you some of my ESM, you definitely have been a busy lady!  Time to relax and enjoy a long UB along with the Energy Saving Mode.  Did you ever get your vents fixed?

We are having Tamales (made by a good friend) for our Christmas dinner.  I am really looking forward to them.  Thank you for forwarding our messages to Kathy.  Keeping her in my thoughts and prayers.


U= UB's   is there any other U?

V isnext

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Posts: 5,207
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

walker, it looks like we bumped and Grandma got run over by QA.  Great idea for BAT, and Tootie's neighbors. 


V= Very sneaky of you to use the U Woman LOL

W= waiting for Tamales

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Hi Cookie......enjoy a UB day with Tamales....sounds good!


V.........Very Merry Christmas to All!


NEXT.......X.....or not

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Posts: 10,286
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

LOL......Queen needs more are quick and sharp, cookie with the letters......ABC police will be after me....ok....try again......


X.........Xtra rest for Queen



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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

One more thought.......sometimes Christmas isn't all merry and, if you find some sadness in the day,  I send you hugs!!  Memories are happy and sometimes sad, but love is there.  Peace and more hugs!!


Y........Yum.....good food to eat!



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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Good Christmas morning to all.


Z:  zipping on by---or hoping the zipper holds with all the yummy treats!