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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Hi friends! {#emotions_dlg.wub} My dear friend Britbrit13 and myself wanted to try something new that EVERYONE can play..we encourage all to join in! We hope you keep the going! Put on your thinking caps! Ponder I've Got It

Rules of the game:

Using the alphabet give either a food, a cooking tool, a way to prepare food or a cooking term.

As an example say the letter is could use Bagel, Blender, Broil, Baste.

When you get to X, Y and Z...if you get stumped just go back to the letter A!


Respected Contributor
Posts: 7,838
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Good morning and Happy New Year!! Wow .... what a night .... I'm in a fog right now (can't imagine why ...Wink) ... I still managed to make breakfast this morning ... a little late, and very simple .... I hope you girls don't mind. Pancakes/waffles, fresh fruit, coffee/tea and juice.

FHG ... thanks for the video .... I think we did pretty good too!!

H ~ Happy New Year!!


Have a good day .....

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,260
Registered: ‎03-26-2010
HAPPPPPPPPY NEW YEAR FRIENDS! What a night we had in NYC! Our show is being talked about ........""what was that? who is it?"" We were so busy hoopin' and tumblin' that we stayed warm.......Kathy's New Yorker drink helped to reality....have a really good 2014 everyone.......starting with fun shared here! H......Hot Coffee after long night....NEXT.......I
Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,260
Registered: ‎03-26-2010
Hi there Tootie......we are both the new year early birds....have a restful was a great show last night......breakfast good, as always.......waiting for Cookie to report on her knee.....she was really spinning last night! I.......I wish you all a happy day and new year ahead! .......NEXT.......J
Valued Contributor
Posts: 5,207
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Happy New Year ~ Sorry I'm late, but the cats that own me just had to be fed ON TIME this morning. Yes, we did create a spectacular show especially bigkat's pyrotechnics on Queen Air - flying around and around the ball! FHG, you captured me and Tootie so well. Too bad it was too cold for some of Tootie's bellyflops. bigkat, special thanks for my pyro knee bandage - it was fabulous! We sure showed those New Yorker's a thing or two about putting a bang in NYE! Breakfast, as usual, was wonderful. Thanks Tootie! QM will be very proud of her daughter and her friends when she views the video NY will never be the same.

J = jerk chicken

K is next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Posts: 3,256
Registered: ‎06-25-2011

Happy New Year, everyone! Cookie and tootie, after last night's performance I'd have thought you'd still be sleeping! {#emotions_dlg.biggrin} You did us proud!

K = knead

Nevur knead on a waturbed!

L =

Super Contributor
Posts: 567
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Hi! Good morning. We will have to get used to 2014 on everything now. We did put on a great show, but I am glad to be home. We are having a....

L = Lazy Day

M is next

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,260
Registered: ‎03-26-2010
So tired from the big trip I had to take a nap....ha. Happy to be away from the NYC crowds. Lazy day for me too......but, need to pack up a few more Christmas things. It has been snowing since yesterday......this may be a long winter. M.....Melba Toast (I have no idea what made me think of that) I would rather have a Mimosa.........NEXT..........N
Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,064
Registered: ‎03-09-2010
Good afternoon ladies. Happy New year N: nuts. So many to choose from. O: next
Respected Contributor
Posts: 7,838
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Hi kittyfan and Happy New Year to you too!! I was just watching our local news and they were showing the fireworks from the New Year in Dubai .... they were amazing!! They were actually shooting out from the sides of the building .... bigkat ... did you have anything to do with that?? walker ... they are predciting snow for the next couple of days and it is going to be bitter cold ... 8 degrees tonight ... high of 11 tomorrow .... I hear you when you say it's going to be a loooong winter. Way tooooo much snow so early in the season ....

O ~ Oreo cookies