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Hope you are all having a good Patriots Day (and my b-day..kind of awkward)!  Never forget where I was at that time.


Walker, enjoy your time with DH!!!


The cooler weather is very enjoyable to me! Sadly, the pool will not warm back up and DH is looking to close it tomorrow.


W- White Wine Vinegar

X or Y is next.

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Hi bigkat!! and Happy Happy Birthday to You!! ... hope you have an enjoyable day!! .... I'm loving this cooler weather too, and I guess if you are closing your pool, that Fall is upon us!!


Since bigkats birthday is today and mine is on Tuesday, we will have a birthday BAT .... any other birthdays this month??


X ~ Xtra large cashews


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Hi Tootie, thanks! Birthday BAT sounds great!! We should get our DHs to put it together!


Y- Yogurt covered raisins

Z or A.

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Argh. Lost my post

Alert the Fire deprt. Two birthdays means LOTS of candles!!!

Z: zuppa.

A: next
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images (2).jpg


bigkat!!!  See you at Tootie's Birthday BAT Bash.  Two B'days - double the fun.  kittyfan, laughing at your alert!!!


A= apple streudel

B is next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Hi friends!!


I made it before day's end!!!  We are at hotel enroute to Wyoming tomorrow...heading to Jackson Hole and Yellowstone.  Neither of us have ever been so we are looking forward to it.  But, crazy DH is out washing the car!!!  He is obsessive about keeping his car clean.  I am hungry and ready for dinner so he better get back soon.


BUT....HAPPY BIRTHDAY, bigkat!!!!!  Have a wonderful celebration whatever you do.  Loved kittyfan's alert too!  Will try to remember to be on Tuesday to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY too, Tootie.  But, if not know I will be thinking of you.   Have a super fun BAT tomorrow.  Sorry I will miss it.   I will have someone send out QA and drop balloons over your house, Tootie!!


Bye for now.....


B......BIG Birthday Cake!!!!  Enjoy!



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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Good morning friends!! ... Our Birthday Bash BAT is getting underway .... it is raining here this morning and is a cool 54 degrees ... I have an awning over the patio but if it gets too cold we can head inside ... I have Birthday muffins, pancakes/waffles, fresh fruit, coffee/tea, juice and our mimosas!!


Walker, so good to hear from you!! I have never been there either so will be anxious to hear how it is ... hope the weather is good .... and your DH is too funny about his car!!


kittyfan, still laughing about your fire alert ...


Ok, see everyone later ....


C ~ Candles .... plenty of them!!




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Registered: ‎03-09-2010
54 sounds delightful.

Glad you have plenty of candles. Can't properly celebrate a birthday without them!

D: double the fun. Two birthday celebrations!!!

E: nrxt
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Posts: 5,207
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Thyme For Fun!

[ Edited ]

Good morning ~  I finally made it.  I was stopped by the police for driving  erratically.  They just wanted an excuse to inspect the CM up close.  They also asked if I could be related to or knew of a wacked out pilot in a freshly painted plane.  Loving the rain, Tootie and I am content to sit outside.  Family was over for dinner last night and we played a game I've never heard of - Apples to Apples.  Lots of fun.images (3).jpg

I know your B'day is Tuesday, Tootie, but this is the Birthday BAT Bash!  Hope you are enjoying your trip walker  I have never been to JH r Yellowstone and am looking forward to hearing about it.  


E = Eclairs

F is next

There is no fun in doing nothing when you have nothing to do.
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Registered: ‎10-26-2011

Good morning!!! Thanks for hosting the birthday bash tootie! I will bring a fire extinguisher in case alll our candles get out of control!


Walker, you will have to let us know how things are, seems none of us have been there. DH was talking about going there the past two summers...just a bit far to drive for the amount of time we like to be gone. Have fun!


Cooler here too, a little rain last night.


F- Fire for our candles...or something flame broiled??

G is next